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A gene is the basic genetic unit that is used to code for something (proteins, usually). How different genes interact determines things like what you look like, etc.

Alleles are the different kinds of genes. For example, the gene for the colour of a flower in a plant could be red (dominant) or white (recessive). A flower with two copies of the red allele will be red. A flower with one red and one white allele will still be red because red is dominant to white. A flower will only be white if it has two copies of the white allele because white is recessive.

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Q: A gene contains both a dominant and a recessive trait?
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How can you tell if someone is a carrier?

If their genotype contains both a dominant and a recessive allele for a trait.

Which form of gene pair is expressed when both dominant and recessive are present?

If the gene is governed by a dominant and recessive allele, then if the dominant allele is present, the dominant trait will be expressed. If both alleles are recessive, then the recessive trait will be expressed.

If an offspring receives a pair of trait-controllers containing both a dominant and a recessive trait what happens to the recessive trait?

The dominant trait is shown in that organism with the possibility of carrying either the dominant or recessive gene to the next generation

What is difference between a dominant trait and a recessive trait?

A recessive trait is a trait that is not shown or expressed physically but is retained within the persons genes, whereas a dominant trait is a trait which opresses the recessive trait and is prodominantly shown or expressed physically. For example it is possible for two red-haired parents, both with recessive dark haired genes, to have a dark haired child. they must both have the recessive gene or the dominant gene of red - hair will be expressed in the child

When neither allele is dominant (they are both expressed)?

Both of the alleles must be recessive. The trait expressed is a recessive trait.

Why are two recessive alleles needed for a recesssive trait to be shown?

bcoz in case of one dominant and one recessive, dominant allele will express its characters and suppresses the recessive ones. so for the expression of recessive characters both allele should be recessive.

When neither allele is dominant what are they expressed as?

Both of the alleles must be recessive. The trait expressed is a recessive trait.

How is dominant trait and recessive trait related?

They are related to each other because whether they are dominant or recessive they are both homozygous, meaning the same. They can either be homozygous dominant or homozygous recessive. If they are heterozygous then they are different because it contains one dominant and one recessive allele each. EX: AA=homozygous dominant allele aa=homozygous recessive allele Aa=heterozygous allele

How can offspring inherit a recessive trait?

An offspring can inherit a recessive trait if both of its parents are homozygous for the dominant allele.

What contains both a dominate trait and a recessive trait?


In which offspring does a dominant trait appear?

if a trait is recessive, it can only be expressed if its other trait is recessive as well. If the other trait in the genotype is dominant, it will block the recessive factor. But if both are recessive, they will be able to be seen in the offspring.

What is the only way a recessive trait will be expressed?

Breed/use only organisms showing the recessive trait for starters. If one of the parents or progenitor lines show the dominant trait then don't use their offspring. If the offspring of one of the oranisims show the dominant trait then remove both the parent of this offspring and this offspring showing the dominant trait from your program.