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Q: A genus is a group made up of two or more very similar?
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Explain why living things classified in the same genus are more alike than those in the same class?

Genus is a small group including closely related species while class is a large group having related orders and only some similar characters .

Describe the structure of the modern classification system?

The modern classification system uses homologies to group species into larger and more general categories. A speciesis a group of organisms that is capable of breeding with each other. Species with many of the similar characteristics are grouped in the same genus (plural: genera). Similar genera are grouped in the same family. A group of related families is called an order. A group of related orders is called a class. A phylum (plural: phyla) is a group of related classes. A kingdom is a group made up of similar phyla.The order from most specific to most general is:SpeciesGenusFamilyOrderClassPhylumKingdom

A genus can be defined as what?

Agenus is a group of species composed ofmembers more closely related to each otherthan to species from any other genus.

In which group of organisms are the members more closely associated?

The group of organisms where members are more closely associated is species. Genus is the next one group where members are closely related.

How can drugs with the COOH be made more lipophilic?

The COOH group can be changed to a tetrazole group to increase the drug's lipophilicity. Both groups have a similar pKa value so the ionisation of the molecules should be similar.

In an evolutionary classification scheme, species within one genus should?

be more similar to each other than they are to other species

Which group of organisms would have the most recent common ancestor the members of a clade corresponding to a genus or the members of a clade corresponding to an order?

The Genus is more closely related.

What is genera science?

Genera is the plural form of genus. It is the taxonomic group containing one or more species.

What do genus have to do with evolution?

Nothing much. A genus is simply a label we attach to a particular group of species sharing a common ancestry. It's more to do with classification than with understanding evolution.

Is Gallium or Phosphorus more similar to Al?

Elements in a group generally have similar chemical properties because all the elements in that group have the same number of valence electrons, so Ga would be more similar to Al.

Are more kinds of organisms in a species or genus?

There are more kinds of organisms in a Genus because species is a subset of genus. Therefore, Genus is superior.

What the levels of classification indicate about the relationship between organisms?

Each level of classification uses certain characteristics of organisms that are similar to group them...for example, humans and cats are both in the Kindom Animalia (because they are animals). Similar organisms belong in the same groups, and each group is more specific than the last. For example, if two organisms are in the same Family, but different genuses, then they will be less similar than two organisms in the same genus.