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Q: A glucose molecule is to starch as steroid to....?
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What is the basic unit of a starch molecule?

Starch is a polymer of Glucose.

Which class of organic molecule are starch and glucose?

Glucose and starch are carbohydrates.

Is starch a polymer of beta glucose?

starch is an alpha-glucose, Cellulose is a beta-glucose molecule

How many glucose monomers are there in a single starch molecule?

A single starch molecule contents few thousands glucose monomers in single molecule.

What is the storage molecule made by glucose in plants?

Starch. Plants use the excess glucose to form starch molecules

Does a molecule of starch have more stored energy than a glucose molecule and why?

yes - starch is a larger molecule (with more bonds holding atoms together, so it has more energy) because it is a polymer of glucose. Glucose is one ring of carbons and starch is a chain of these.

A starch molecule is like a?

Starch molecules are like chains of sugar (glucose). They can be entirely straight (amylose) or branched (amylopectin).

What molecule in the human body acts like a starch molecule in a plant?


What is the storage molecule for surplus glucose made by photosynthesis?

The principle storage molecule for glucose in plants is starch . The principle storage molecule for glucose in animal cells is glycogen.

What molecule increases the rate at which starch is broken down into glucose?


What monosaccharides make up glycogen and starch?

Sucrose is a disaccharide made of glucose and fructose. Starch is a polysaccharide that is simply a chain of glucose.

The linking together of many molecules of glucose may produce a molecule of what?

they form sucrose.