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This is one smart man and I don't think he's lying to you. As you already know alcohol is an addiction and he wants to be sure he beats it before he starts a relationship with you. He obviously messed up a great deal of his life and hurt those he loved and he doesn't want a repeat performance. If you love this man then talk to him again and tell him you are willing to go to Alanon (for those with alcoholic partners) and to be there to help. If you don't want to go down this road then he has freed you up to date other men. I would say that takes a real man! He sounds like a keeper so give it one more shot, but don't expect 100% in your relationship yet as he's fighting his own demons and needs some space to deal with it all. If he isn't going to AA ask him if he'd go for your sake.

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Q: A man I am interested in said he's an alcoholic and needs time to get himself together before starting a relationship with me so should I wait?
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