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We are looking for the possible blood types of a baby.

Parental information:

  • Mother type AB --she can contribute a A gene and a B gene
Baby receives one gene from each parent:
  • Father is AB = baby can be AA, BB, AB -- Types A, B, AB
  • Father is AA = baby can be AA, AB -- Types A, AB
  • Father is AO = baby can be AA, BO -- Types A, B
  • Father is BB = baby can be BB, AB -- Types B, AB
  • Father is BO = baby can be BB, AO -- Types A, B
  • Father is OO = baby can be AO, BO -- Types A, B
Generally, the only blood type her baby will NOT be is Type O [genetically OO].

HOWEVER: There is more to ABO blood typing that just the ABO gene.

There is also an inhibitory gene that will change any genotype into the phenotype O.

Therefore a person with genetically AB blood can be tested as having Type O.

If the baby's inhibitory gene is turned "on", then it doesn't matter what type it is genetically, the offspring will test out as Type O.

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Q: A mother is blood Type AB. What blood type will her children NOT have?
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Blood type is a combination of the mother's and the father's genes.

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Father can be A, B, or O.

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Not necessarily. It depends on the father's blood type as well.

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No he could however be the father of the type a child

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No. AB parents cannot have O type children; however, A, B, and O can have O type children. If the father is AB and the mother is A the child will have to be either A, B or AB.

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If the mother has O type blood and the father has A then the child could not have AB blood type. The possible blood types for these two people children would be type A and O. Lookup a Blood Type Calculator on the net and type in the different blood types and see the results.

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You can't tell, because any a father with any blood group can produce type A children with a type A mother.

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You need information on the mother's blood type as well in order to answer that question.

A Mother with O- blood type and a father with O- have a child with O blood type?

If both parents are O- they can only have O- children.

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Possible blood types of the child with a mother who has A blood type and a father who has AB blood type are A, B, and AB. :)

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A woman with type AB blood has both alleles that give blood both the A antigens and the B antigens, but the man with type O blood has both of the alleles that lack these antigens. Because the child will receive one allele from the mother and one from the father, none of their children will have AB or O blood.