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Q: A pancreatic enzyme that splits proteins into amino acids?
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What is the digestive enzyme for protein?

Trypsin is the pancreatic enzyme which digests protein to form smaller peptides and amino acids.

What is function of tripsin?

pancreatic juice contains an enzyme called Tripsin present in our small intestine for the digestion of proteins into amino acids.

What is the enzyme that hydrolyzes neutral fats to their component monoglycerides and fatty acids?

Pancreatic Lipase

What monomer makes up enzyme?

amino acids make proteins and an enzyme is a protein so......

What do pancreatic enzymes digest?

The pancreatic enzymes amylase, trypsin and lipase digest proteins, fatty acids, carbohydrates and starches.

What is digested by the enzyme protease?

proteins into amino acids.

What substances makes the pancreatic juice alkaline?

Pancreatic juice contains enzymes that digest carbohydrates,fats, nucleic acids,and proteins.

What does protein break into?

I'm assuming you're talking about digestion. Proteins are broken down by enzyme pepsin in the gastric juice in stomach to form polypeptides. Proteins are also broken down by enzyme trypsin in the pancreatic juice in the duodenum to form polypeptides. Polypeptides are then broken down by enzyme erepsin in intestinal juice in small intestines (ileum) to form amino acids.

Do enzymes produce proteins?

Enzyme are not producing proteins but they catalyses the steps in proteins synthesis. Proteins are produced in ribosomes by amino acids and RNA molecules such as tRNA and mRNA. Enzyme such as peptidyl synthetase catalyse the prptide bond formation between amino acids.

Is enzyme a form of glucose?

Enzymes are made from amino acids and are proteins.

Are substrates proteins?

There are protein substrates, but not all substrates are proteins. Lipid, carbohydrates, nucleic acids can also act as substrates to its specific enzyme. but enzyme can be only proteins and not Lipid, carbohydrate.

What are lipase maltase and protease?

trypsin is pancreatic proteolytic enzyme that specifically cleaves peptide bonds at carboxyl group of lysine and arginine Lipase is pancreatic enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of triglycerides into beta-monoglyceride and two free fatty acids.