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Pancreatic Lipase

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Q: What is the enzyme that hydrolyzes neutral fats to their component monoglycerides and fatty acids?
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Which is the enzyme tha hydrolyzes triacylglycerols?

Lipase is the enzyme that hydrolyzes lipids.

Enzyme that hydrolyzes carbohydrates?


Which enzyme the hydrolyzes protein?

Amylase hydrolyzes carbohydrates, lipases breakdown lipids/fats, and proteases break down protein.

What is the name of enzyme obtained fropm papaya?

The enzyme obtained from papaya which hydrolyzes the proteins is called Papain

What is the enzyme that hydrolyzes maltose?

Its pig skin THAT'S GOOD FOR YOU.

Will an enzyme that hydrolyzes protein act upon starch?

No. They are substrate specific.

At which enzyme concentration is starch hydrolyzed the fastest and slowest?

The enzyme that hydrolyzes starch the fastest is the amylase enzyme. This enzyme breaks down the starch until there is only sugar left.

Do lysozymes hydrolyze peptidoglycan?

yes they do... lysozyme in saliva and tears-enzyme that hydrolyzes the peptodoglycan

Which enzyme will help you hydrolyze polymers into disaccharides or monomers after eating carbohydrates?

The most common enzyme would be salivary/pancreatic amylase which hydrolyzes the polysaccharide amylose.

What enzyme digests sugars?

Sucrase is the enzyme (called a disaccharidase) that digests sucrose, the major disaccharide in table sugar.

What is an autolysin?

An autolysin is an enzyme produced by bacteria that can break down their own cell walls. It is involved in processes like cell division and the release of DNA during bacterial cell death. Autolysins play a role in biofilm formation and the spread of antibiotic resistance genes.

What two monosaccharides are formed when the lactase enzyme hydrolyzes lactose?

glucose and galactose