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Q: A person who loses a decision in the Court of Federal Claims .?
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What happens to a person who loses a decision in the court of federal claims?

They can appeal the decisison to the court of Appeal for the Federal circuit.

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US court of federal claims

Which court allows citizens to sue the government for financial compensation?

Court of federal claims A+

Which court hears cases that claim damages against the US?

The US Court of Federal Claims. It is located in Wasshington DC.

Which court was formerly known as the US court of claims?

Court of Federal Claims

Which court was formerly known as the U.S. Court of Claims?

court of federal claims

All the following statements about the Court of Federal Claims are true except?

The US Court of Federal Claims is a federal court responsible in hearing monetary claims against the government. When it was founded on 1855, it was named United States Court of Claims.

When a plaintiff sues the federal government for monetary damages which court hears the case?

US Court of Federal Claims would hear those cases.

Is the US Court of Federal Claims considered a lower court in the federal court system?

Yes, the US Court of Federal Claims has original jurisdiction over monetary claims against the federal government. While it is, technically, a "lower federal court," it is not part of the Judicial Branch, but part of the Legislative Branch.

What court handles property claims against the US government?

The Court of Federal Claims.

What court hears grievances against the federal government?

The U.S. Court of Claims hears cases dealing with claims against the federal government.

Why did treatment of Cherokee get worse after the Supreme Court declared Georgias Indians removal laws to be unconstitutional?

The federal government did not enforce the court's decision.