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Q: A plant sell shrink from a lack of water what term describes the environment outside the cell?
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A plant cell in a hypotonic environment?

Bursts in Animal cell But the cell walls and vacuoles protect it in a plant cell

Which term describes a desert plant?

A xerophyte is a species of plant that has adapted to survive in an environment with little water, such as a desert.

What happened when plant is place in hypertonic environment?

A hypertonic environment contains a higher concentration solutes then do the interior of the cell. This causes the water within the cell to move through the membrane and makes the cell shrink. A hypotonic solution has the opposite effect. The cell will swell and even explode (lysis).

Can you plant a plant a plant that you grew from a seed?

yes, you can plant a plant that you grew from seed, it is best (if you are planting outside) that you "harden off" your plant by putting outside during the day and taking it in at night so it can get used to the change in environment, do that for a week or so before planting it in the ground

what is on the outside of plant cell?

What is on the outside of a plant cell

What describes what occurs in plant cells?

Botany, plant biology and micro-biology describes what happens in plant cells

What does plant cell membrane do?

The cell membrane is the outer part of the cell that separates the interior from all the other cells from the outside environment.

What does salt do to plant growth?

Putting salt into plant soil will hinder plant growth and even kill the plant by making the soil outside more concentrated than the environment inside of roots. This stops the absorption of water and minerals by the roots.

Why do scientist study the inside of a plant and outside of a plant?

The outside is different than the outside, and they are curious.

Which osmotic environment is best for plant cells?

A plant cell is best in a hypotonic environment

Why don't plant cells shrink up like animal cells in a salt solution?

The cell body does shrink, however in plants there is a rigid cell wall framework and this does not shrink with the cell contents.

Why leaves of plant wilt soon after uprooting from soil?

When you uproot the plant from the soil, the roots can't absorb water and after a while the water in the plant cells are moving outward because there is not enough water outside the cell's environment. Turgor pressure is lost.