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There are hundreds of human anti parasitic drugs available. Just ask you pharmacist.

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Q: A product called Ivermectrin works well to deworm cows and pigs. Why is there not a human dewormer and parasite killer medicine for humans?
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A product called ivermectrin works very well to deworm animals given in the proper doses why will this product not work in humans since I think humans could benifet using this type medicine also?

It cant benifit humans because its to strong for us and if try to use this medicine it can cause sever nausiness. Its addicting to so dont try it.

Is medicine a product?

It is a product because it is made by people.

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Can A dog Die from Expired Deworming?

Possibly, if the preparation was contaminated somehow, but that is not a very likely scenario. Keep in mind that medicine used to rid dogs of worms is actually a kind of toxin; it's possible that the dewormer became too concentrated, or the animal consumed too much of the product. Also, the preparation may have been the wrong dose for the weight of the dog.

How do you use basic h for dewormer?

To use a basic h dewormer, you typically follow the instructions on the product packaging. This may involve orally administering the dewormer to the affected animal, usually mixed with their food or water, at the recommended dosage. Keep in mind that different dewormers may have different usage instructions, so it's important to read and follow the specific guidelines provided. Additionally, consulting with a veterinarian is always a good idea to ensure proper usage and dosage for your particular situation.

What is a drug product?

'Drugs' often refer to medicine.

How is medicine related to science?

Everything known by doctors is the product of scientific research. Medicine is a branch of science.

How long does dewormer shot last if cold?

That is dependent on the product and how cold it is. Getting too cold can damage some products or make them less effective and more likely to cause reactions. Read the label and ensure that the product has been stored correctly and check the "use by" date.

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What product was originally intended to be used as a medicine?


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what medicine will i put in the nebulizer

Is garlic good for deworming a min pin pup?

There are no studies to show that garlic is effective as a dewormer. Puppies are extremely susceptible to GI parasites and these parasites can be deadly, so deworming with a known effective product is recommended.