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Eubacteria and Archaebacteria use different membrane lipids and a slightly different genetic code

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Q: A prokaryotic organism carries out photosynthesis How can you tell if it is a member of Eubacteria or Archaebacteria?
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What two kingdoms are prokaryotic organism?

Eubacteria and Archaebacteria

What kingdom would an organism that is prokaryotic unicellular and has a cell wall belong to?

Eubacteria and archaebacteria.

Is Bacillus anthracis prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

A spirochete (also spelt as Spirochaete) is Prokaryotic.

Is eubacteria a single cell organism?

==The Final Answer. . .== Eubacteria is a single celled organism, just like its [so called] twin, Archaebacteria.

Is a prokaryotic found in eubacteria or an archaebacteria?

Prokaryote is a type of organism in which the eubacteria or an archaebacteria belong to. Being a prokaryote simply means that it has no "true nucleus" and that it does not contain membrane-bound organelles. Since the eubacteria and archaebacterias both qualify for this, they are both considered to be a prokaryote.----------My science teacher gave us a tip,Prokaryiotic- pro/no. Prokaryotics have nonucleus.Eukaryotic- Eu/do. Eukaryotics do have nuclei.

What does organisms mean?

an organism is any living creature such as plants animals protista fungi archaebacteria or eubacteria.

What kind of organism is bacteria?

Archaebacteria and Eubacteria. Previously they had been categorized as one kingdom Monera, but has since been split. The Six Kingdoms: Plants, Animals, Protists, Fungi, Archaebacteria, Eubacteria. Like archaebacteria, eubacteria are complex and single celled. Most bacteria are in the EUBACTERIA kingdom. They are the kinds found everywhere and are the ones people are most familiar with.

What is the kingdom of unicellular prokaryotic organism?

The unicellular prokaryotes are one-celled organisms. They are located on two domains: the Archaea and the Eubacteria. The third domain, Eukarya, contain multi-cellular organisms.

Microscopic single celled organism that has no defined memebrane bound nucleus would fit into which 2 kingdoms?

Archaebacteria and Eubacteria

Why do you use the terms Monera and bacteria to describe a kingdom?

The six kingdoms in organism classification are: animals, plants, protists, fungi, archaebacteria, and eubacteria.

What are the 6 organism kingdoms?

Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Fungi, Animalia, Plantae, and Protista

What are living things other than plants and animals?

Other than the organisms that fall under the kingdoms of animals and plants, living organism fall under the categories of Fungi, Protists, Eubacteria (Monera), and Archaebacteria. Examples from these kingdoms are: Fungi: mold Protists: algae Eubacteria (Monera): E. Coli Archaebacteria: Halophiles