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Q: A purple-flowered plant that carries two different color traits such as purple and white is?
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What is the organism that carries invisible traits?

genetic variation

Mendel saw purple flowers in the F generation but both purple and white flowers in the F How did this help him see that traits are inherited as discrete units?

Because the traits weren't blended resulting in pink flowers. They were still purple and white.

What carries all the information for the traits you have inherited from your parents?


How do you make a purple dragon in dragon story fairy tail?

To create a purple dragon in Dragon Story: Fairy Tail, you will need to breed dragons with purple traits or colors. Try combining dragons with purple elements such as the Amethyst Dragon or the Twilight Dragon to increase the chances of getting a purple dragon offspring. Experiment with different combinations until you successfully breed a purple dragon.

What part of a cell carries information that determines traits?

Chromosomes carry information that determines traits. Nuclear membrane controls what moves into and out of the nucleus. Nucleolus helps make ribosomes.

A cross between homozygous purple-flowered and homozygous white-flowered pea plants results in offspring with purple flowers This demonstrates?

A homozygous purple flower and a homozygous white flower having offspring that are purple is an example of dominance. Traits that yield to other traits is referred to as recessive. So in this case Purple was the dominant trait and White was the recessive trait.

How does a gene affect the traits of himan?

Recessive and dominant genes are the material that carries the traits of human beings. Traits of humans such as eye and hair color are determined by the combination of genes from your parents.

What is the name of the chemical that carries the code for the traits that are inherited from your parents?

genes?. Not sure. or DNA

What allows humans to have different traits?

Different alleles allow people to have different traits from each other.

What are different forms of characteristics called?

Different forms of characteristics are called TRAITS. :)

How does dna affect heredity?

DNA carries traits in which are hereditary. Genes are passed through DNA. That is how people have similar traits as their parents, grandparents, and other relatives.

What is found within the nucleus that carries the code that determines the traits of organisms?

Chromosomes (DNA/genes).