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Notunnecessarily based upon your question it only means that fluid has been made note of. If there were more fluid accumulating then it would state so in comparison to a previous chest x-ray. Pleural effusion is common with CHF.

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Q: A recent chest xray showed rt side pleural effusion in a congestive heart failure patient does that mean more fluid is building up?
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Related questions

What is the diagnosis of a patient with conjective heart failure?

There are over 20 causes of CHF (congestive heart failure). Thus, there is no single diagnosis.

How does water effect congestive heart failure?

increase in water will increase the blood pressure. high blood pressure usually precipitate the heart failure. Congestive heart failure on the other hand usually start with left ventricular failure and finally also cause the right ventricular failure. Patient will congestive heart failure usually will be given diuretic medication to remove excess water in their blood.

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What do you predict if a patient with congeative heart failure of left venticular origin only were to retain fluid excessively?

Hi:I found this link which talks about congestive heart failure. It doesnt give direct answer for your question but it gives overall knowledge about CHF.

A patient taking digitails would probably have what type of disease?

patient would have congestive heart failure and heart rythm problems. this medication is is taken to strengthen the heart.

How can you get rid of excess fluid in a congestive heart failure patient?

Either remove it manually by surgery or give this patient diuretics in addition to the prescription your doc may prescribe.

Can the pleural effusion came back following the heart surgery?

Yes, a pleural effusion, can and often does (but not always) come back following heart surgery. However, it depends greatly on what type of heart surgery is performed, what type of pleural effusion was there prior, the underlying disease process, etc. Pleural effusions are caused by many things. Thus, if the heart was the reason for the pleural effusion prior to heart surgery, once the heart condition is "fixed", someone can develop a pleural effusion from an entirely different disease process (e.g., lung cancer). I assume what you are referring to is in patients with congestive heart failure, pleural effusions (or fluid present between the lungs and the chest wall) often develop. Congestive heart failure can be caused by a number of things (for example, coronary artery disease, faulty valves within the heart, medications, etc.). So let's say a patient who has coronary artery disease (narrowing of the arteries feeding the heart) has suffered a couple of mild heart attacks in the past, a portion of the heart might not be pumping as it should, and therefore, leads to congestive heart failure, in which fluid builds up in tissues and organs (including the pleural cavity). The purpose of doing a CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting) is to allow more blood flow to the heart, and in doing so, to hopefully reduce the amount of congestive heart failure, and thus, reduce the chances for a pleural effusion.

What are the causes of congestive heart failure in a patient?

Coronary artery disease and high blood pressure are the main risk factors for congestive heart failure.

Are congestive heart failure and diastolic heart failure the same?

Congestive heart failure is a buildup of fluid due to a failure of the heart to maintain a normal forward flow. It is a pump problem. Symptoms my include swelling of the soft tissues of the extremities, particularly the lower extremities, shortness of breath from buildup of fluid in the lungs, inability to lie down due to shortness of breath, decreased appetite, and exercise intolerance.An enlarged heart may be seen on chest xray in a patient with congestive heart failure, but other conditions may cause an enlarged heart as well, including chronic hypertension.

Is green tea bad for people with Congestive Heart Failure?

Green tea might be harmful for some patients with congestive heart failure, if they express Th2 dominance (these are particular cells of the immune system that might be in imbalance with Th1 cells of the immune system; in some cardiac failure patients). Because green tea enhances this imbalance, the severity of the patient's symptoms might worsen. Saying that, it would be wise to speak to your doctor who knows more about the patient's heart failure.

Can diuretics be given to patient with CHF?

Depending on what caused the congestive heart failure. Normally diuretics such as caffeine are dangerous as they can lead to cardiac arrest for weak hearts.

Lung auscultation in congestive heart failure?

You listen to both bases for signs of basal pulmonary oedema with the patient sitting up, presenting as crackles or rales.