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Yes, a pleural effusion, can and often does (but not always) come back following heart surgery. However, it depends greatly on what type of heart surgery is performed, what type of pleural effusion was there prior, the underlying disease process, etc.

Pleural effusions are caused by many things. Thus, if the heart was the reason for the pleural effusion prior to heart surgery, once the heart condition is "fixed", someone can develop a pleural effusion from an entirely different disease process (e.g., lung cancer).

I assume what you are referring to is in patients with congestive heart failure, pleural effusions (or fluid present between the lungs and the chest wall) often develop. Congestive heart failure can be caused by a number of things (for example, coronary artery disease, faulty valves within the heart, medications, etc.). So let's say a patient who has coronary artery disease (narrowing of the arteries feeding the heart) has suffered a couple of mild heart attacks in the past, a portion of the heart might not be pumping as it should, and therefore, leads to congestive heart failure, in which fluid builds up in tissues and organs (including the pleural cavity). The purpose of doing a CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting) is to allow more blood flow to the heart, and in doing so, to hopefully reduce the amount of congestive heart failure, and thus, reduce the chances for a pleural effusion.

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Q: Can the pleural effusion came back following the heart surgery?
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Pneumothorax is the result of an injury where air gets into the chest cavity. It can result from an open wound in the chest, such as by being stabbed, or it can occur from a closed wound such as broken ribs. Tension pneumothorax is the buildup of air in the chest cavity collapses the lung and puts pressure on the heart, which then can't pump blood effectively.

A recent chest xray showed rt side pleural effusion in a congestive heart failure patient does that mean more fluid is building up?

Notunnecessarily based upon your question it only means that fluid has been made note of. If there were more fluid accumulating then it would state so in comparison to a previous chest x-ray. Pleural effusion is common with CHF.

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Common causes of a restrictive pattern are pneumonia, heart disease, pregnancy, lung fibrosis, pneumothorax (collapsed lung), and pleural effusion (compression caused by chest fluid).

How do infection causes pleural effusion?

This can occur, usually in advanced metastatic Breast cancer, due to cardiopulmonary vascular effects, and then fluid builds up in the pleura (the lining of the lungs).

Does fluid on the lungs mean cancer?

Fluid on the lungs, also known as pleural effusion, can have various causes, and cancer is one of them. However, pleural effusion can also result from other conditions such as heart failure, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, liver disease, or kidney disease. In some cases, cancer that has spread to the lungs or nearby structures can cause pleural effusion. This can occur with lung cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma, or other cancers. When cancer cells spread to the pleura (the thin lining around the lungs), they can cause inflammation and fluid accumulation. However, not all cases of pleural effusion are due to cancer. It's essential to consult a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation if you experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, or coughing up blood, as these can indicate various underlying conditions, including cancer. Imaging tests such as chest X-rays or CT scans, along with other diagnostic procedures, may be necessary to determine the cause of pleural effusion accurately.

What are the chances for dissipation of small amounts of fluid around lungs?

If there is a small pleural effusion the treatment of the underlying cause will reverse the process allowing the fluid to recede back into the parenchyma of the lungs. Normally this is the case with CHF patients that have pulmonary edema. Right sided heart failure causes a fluid buildup that can go as far as the pleural space.

What is the space between the heart that holds the heart?

pleural space

What organ are in the pleural?

The pleural cavity, also known as the thoracic cavity, is where the lungs and the heart are located.

Will pleural thickening contribute to heart problems?

I have pleural thickening beginning in 1982.The pleural thickening and plaque has gotten worse over the years.In 2006 was diagnosed with asbestosis. 2007 had a five way heart bypass.Did my lung problem contribute to my heart attack?

The space between the lungs is called the?

Each lung is surrounded by pleura, sac-like structures which prevent the lungs over-expanding and reduce friction between lungs during their expansion. They contain a small amount of pleural effusion (fluid) which keeps the lungs moist acting as a lubricant. Each pleura is made of two layers, parietal and visceral. The visceral membrane is continuous with the lungs and the parietal is on top of that (with the pleural fluid/effusion between).Between the two lungs is a structure called the mediastinum, this is another sac-like structure which contains the pericardium (heart-sac), the heart, the major vessels leaving the heart, some of the oesophagus and trachea also enter it.

What is the pleural chest cavity?

The lungs

Pathophysiology of pleural effusion?

The balance of osmotic and hydrostatic pressure in parietal pleural capillaries normally results in fluid movement into the pleural space. Balanced pressures in visceral pleural capillaries promote reabsorption of this fluid. Excessive hydrostatic pressure or decreased osmotic pressure can cause excess fluid to pass across intact capillaries. The result is a transudative pleural effusion, an ultrafiltrate of plasma containing low concentrations of protein.Exudative pleural effusions result when capillaries exhibit increased permeability with or without changes in hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressure, allowing protein-rich fluid to leak into the pleural space.effects depend upon volume, mild doesn`t have any effecet on lung but moderate to severe have compressive effect on lung tissue