

A sentence on word languish

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Do it the wrong way and your home will languish for months.

Millions languish in debt slavery and don't see any way out.

But with the wrong title, it can languish untouched.

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What is the Hebrew word for languish?

to languish = עָרַג (arag)

What is a sentence using the word languish?

She was languishing in bed, too weak to get up and face the day.

Sentence using languish?

The robber had to languish in prison for his crimes.

What part of speech is the word languish?

The word "languish" can be both a verb (to suffer from being forced to remain in an unpleasant situation) and a noun (a state of suffering or distress).

How do you use 'languish' in a sentence?

he languished all his attention on her, his one and only daughter.

What is the past tense of languish?

The past tense of languish is languished.

What does languish mean?

A desire for something not present. "The girl was languishing for chocolate."

What is a sentence with the word languish in it?

She was very disturbed by the idea of her daughter languishing alone in that big house, watching TV and drinking all day every day, just waiting to die.Finally being exonerated for his wife's murder was a hollow victory after 35 years spent languishing in prison.

A sentence for prolong?

The word "languish" means to be forced to live in an a bad situation. For example, "The murder languished in jail for many years".

What are the synonyms and antonyms on the word flourish?

Synonyms: grow, bloom, blossom, develop, expand, thrive Antonyms: languish, cease, fail

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