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If you make or draw an analogy between two things, you show that they are alike in some way.

ex...The analogy between music and fragrance has stuck.

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A computer and a brain are analogous.

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Q: A sentence using analogous
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What is an example of using analogous in a sentence?

An analogy is an example made in a sentence comparing one thing to another. Such as "life is like a race."

Sentence for analogous?

Samantha and I had an analogous relationship

How do make a sentence with analogous?

The Rebellion in George Orwell's Animal Farm is analogous to the Bolshevik Revolution.

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Do you have some sentences using analogous terms?

Me and my boyfriend have a analogous towards eachother.

How do you use anologous in a sentence?

Analogous means comparable in certain respects. Saying "I told you so" would be analogous to rubbing salt in his wounds.

What is a sentence using the word analogous?

The word 'analogous' means 'similar', 'comparable'. It is however, of a higher register than those two, and is mostly used in scientific writing. Here's an example of the word in use, taken from a scientific website: "Mind-blowing: Distance between local stars in our galaxy is analogous to 2 grains of sand miles apart"

What is an analogy of garrison?

If you're using the word as a noun, a fort might be considered analogous to a garrison. If you're using the word as a verb (as in: to garrison troops at a particular location), then station or base might be analogous to garrison.

What is a sentence for the word analogous?

The word analogies is the plural noun of analogies. A good sentence would be, the analogies between them were outrageous.

How can I use the word analogous in a sentence?

Having my teeth drilled is analoguous to letting a freight train loose in my mouth.

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