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What all have he done and what all is he willing to do to you.

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Q: A sexual question to ask a guy in a text?
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How do you tell the a guy that you think likes you that you like him?

Text him. play the "question game" where you ask random questions and ask "who do you like?"

What do you text a guy after you tell him you like him and you kiss?

Text him and ask him what does he think about the kiss. Ask him if he likes you and if he wants to be with you.

How do you know if a guy likes you over text?

Ask him.

Ways to ask a guy out?

Just go and ask him. You can text him out if you know his number.

When a guy text you and you don't respond back and he text you to text him back what does that mean?

It means the guy is really interested in speaking to you. The reason will not be known unless you ask him.

How do you talk to a guy from school through text?

Give him your number, and ask for his.

If a guy asks a girl out through a text?

It means the guy doesn't have the GUTS to ask the girl to her face. The proper way is to ask in person.

What does it mean when a guy ask how experienced are you?

He wants to know how good you are at sexual activities.

What question do you have to ask a guy who says he love you and want to marry you?

The question that you ask is "Wheres the ring at ! ?"

What is a good question to ask a guy?

Do you love me?

Get a guy to ask you out through a text?

Possibly not a good idea. Not the most flattering way to be asked out. It would be best to ask the guy out face-to-face, but if that is impossible, a letter works well. There aren't so many words you can write in a text that say your true emotions. A letter is better for if you don't see te guy much, but it's really better to ask him out person-to-person. Never ask guy out through text idiot. God. n00b

How do you text him without bugging him?

Just ask him if you bug him don't be scared to ask if you are then you know he isn't a true guy to be with