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Q: A star is a bright glowing sphere of hot?
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Is a star a glowing sphere of hot gas?

Yes, a star is a glowing sphere of hot gas.

What star is a brilliantly glowing sphere of hot?

A star is a brilliantly glowing sphere of hot______?

A star a brilliantly glowing sphere of hot?

A star is a brilliantly glowing sphere of hot______?

What describes a giant star?

hot, bright star

What is a hot ball of glowing gasses in space called?

A star

What is A ball of Hot and Bright gases?

A star.

What are the reacts that happen when you burn magnesium metal?

burns very hot with a bright white glowing flame

What is it like living on a star?

VERY hot and bright.

What best describes giant star?

hot, bright stars

Can you give an example of a hot star which is not very bright?

White dwarf stars are hot , but not very bright, because they are so small. An example is "Sirius B", the companion of "Sirius A", the brightest star in the sky.

What is a star if you have to explain it to a six year old?

A star is a ball of gas that is very hot and very bright.

The Orion nebula m 42 is a hot thin cloud of glowing gas so its spectrum is?

A few bright lines against a dark background.