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Sex-linked traits

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Sex-linked traits.

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Q: A trait controlled by a gene on the sex chromosome is know as a?
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How do you know a homozygous trait from a heterozygous trait?

A homozygous trait is controlled by only one kind of allele, while a heterozygous trait is controlled by multiple allele types.

What type of trait is linked to the X chromosome sex linked trait or Mendelian trait?

In humans, usually the X chromosome, because it is much larger. Very rarely does the Y chromosome carry them. if you're asking about other animals, i have no idea. I do know that in chickens, Y is the female chromosome, and X is male, but i don't know if it changes the sex-linked trait situation

Can you see the recessive trait if one gene of a pair is dominant?

you want to know which gene thow visible one shall be seen.

Why are more men color blind than females?

It isn't only boys that are colorblind. It is just that it is much much more likely. In people, the genes that cause color blindness are on the same chromosomes that determine if you are physically a boy or a girl. So color blindness is usually called a "sex-linked" trait. If you are a boy you only need one copy of the gene to be color blind, from your mom. If you are a girl you need two copies, from both your mom and dad. Since it is harder to get two copies than one, there are a lot more color blind boys.

If you know that a woman is a hemophiliac what can you infer about the gnes carried by her parents?

Hemophilia is a sex linked recessive trait, meaning that it must be present on both X chromosomes in women while just the one X chromosome in males (because their Y chromosome lacks the necessary gene). Since the women displays the trait, both of her X chromosomes must have the recessive trait. One chromosome came from the only X chromosome her father had, so her father was also a hemophiliac. Her mother on the other hand had two possible chromosomes to donate, so she was either a recessive carrier (meaning only one of other chromosomes had the allele) or she was a complete hemophiliac with the allele on both chromosomes..

Nucleotide sequences of DNA that code for a particular trait or protein are know as what?

A string of nucleotides that has instructions for a certain trait is a gene. :)

Why do color blindness occur more often in males?

It is rare in females because they have 2 X chromosomes so they have the trait that stops colorblindness, but men have an X and Y chromosome so the Y chromosome does not back up the other X chromosome and makes men have more of a chance to get colorblindness that doesn't mean girls cant get it, just means girls have a better chance to stop it.

What is a pair of alleles for a characteristic?

I don't really know the answer to that question. Maybe you should ask someone smarter... Like a doctor. Because the internet thinks it knows everything but i have been looking for thirty minutes trying to find an answer to this... "When a pair of chromosomes contains different alleles for a trait, that trait is called a(n) _____?" and i just cannot find the answer... but! if anyone knows the answer to this tell me and i will go back to trusting the internet!Thank you,-JohnDeereGirl 40409

What are 5 human traits which are governed by a single gene?

If you mean an allele, then I know that the attached/hanging earlobe, the ability to taste ptc paper, dimples, chin fissures, freckles, human blood type A,B,O,AB without the rh factor is controlled by a single allele, there are three genes in this allele but only a pair is present in a human. Example A gene and B gene = AB blood. The RH factor may be another trait controlled by a single alele but I am not sure.

What is a characteristic that is passed down from a parent to its offspring?

Dumb question, im in 11th grade and I know that's a dumb question. Just about everything can be passed down. Height is a gene, eye color is a gene..the list goes on. No offence but you kind of fail at science, I learned this in 6th grade.

On what chromosome is tourette syndrome located on?

They don't know yet, Recent research suggests that a small number of Tourette syndrome cases may be caused by a defect on chromosome 13 of gene SLITRK1. and some other chromosomes like 7. There now busy with a study to find the genes that may cause tourette syndrome, results will be given by 2018

How do scientist know that plants and animals share the same basic mechanisms of gene expression?

Because the gene for luciferase, which comes from an animal, can specify a trait in a plant.