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Angina pectoris, stable type.

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Q: A transient chest pain brought on by exertion anxiety or stress is relieved by rest and is caused by a temporary lack of oxygen to the heart is called?
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Can high levels of anxiety trigger transient global amnesia?

TGA triggers memory loss from external stresses such as strenuous exertion, high levels of anxiety, sexual intercourse, the Valsalva maneuver, immersion in water, and other similar conditions

Is 97 pulse bad for a 92 yr old female?

There can be transient rise in pulse after mild exertion or some psychological tension. If this pulse rate persists at rest, then your physician may give her some anti-anxiety drug and/or beta one blocker.

What conditions can be relieved by massage therapy?

Allergies, anxiety and stress, arthritis, asthma and bronchitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive motion injuries?

Is sedation a good remedy for anxiety sufferers?

Sedatives can aid providing temporary relief from anxiety issues, however they do not aid in addressing the actual causes for anxieties. In this respect, they cannot serve as a long lasting remedy for those who suffer anxiety.

Is lower carbon dioxide in blood bad?

depends how low Even when severe it is normally well tolerated. However, hypocapnia causes transient dizziness, visual disturbances, and anxiety

What is the purpose of antianxiety agents?

Antianxiety agents, or anxiolytics, may be used to treat mild transient bouts of anxiety as well as more pronounced episodes of social phobia and specific phobia

What do antianxiety agents treat?

Antianxiety agents, or anxiolytics, may be used to treat mild transient bouts of anxiety as well as more pronounced episodes of social phobia and specific phobia.

How do I relieved anxiety?

Take time to seek out cognitive therapies - Often anxiety is created by the fight or flight response and as humans were continually analyse our environment. Using similar techniques to meditation can, with practice refocus our thinking away from the "fear of " in to a more here and now context

what is the two factors controlling cardiac output?

Your question can be interpreted in different ways. Mechanically, increasing either heart rate or ejection volume will increase CO. Physiologically, fever, exertion, anxiety, etc, will increase it.

What anti-anxiety medications cause hunger?

Sertraline (Zoloft) and fluoxetine (Prozac) can cause appetite suppression and temporary warping of the taste buds, causing weight loss and nausea, respectively. As you can see, generally anti-anxiety meds cause appetite suppression, not increase.

What are the symptoms of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome?

Many people with the syndrome have no symptoms. On the other hand, some people experience temporary rapid heartbeat due to certain drugs, smoking, and anxiety.

What is a conditon called worrying too much?

anxiety anxiety anxiety anxiety