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Q: A volcano with gently sloping sides is called a .?
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Basaltic volcano with gently sloping sides are called?

A shield volcano is broad with gently sloping sides.

A broad volcano with gently sloping sides?

A shield volcano is broad with gently sloping sides.

What type volcano has gently sloping sides?

shield volcano

A volcanic mountain with a wide base and gently sloping sides is called a volcano?

It would be known as a Shield volcano.

A volcanic mountain with gently sloping sides built almost entirely out of basalt lava flows is called a cinder cone.?

The Answer is false/untrue. A basaltic volcano with gently sloping sides is sometimes refrred to as a 'shield' volcano.

A volcanic mountain with a wide base and gently sloping sides is called?

A volcanic mountain with a wide base and gently sloping sides is called a shield. Shield volcanoes form very large.

What is a large volcano with sloping sides?

how showed I know I searched it up and you didn't give me the answer aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Broad volcano with gently sloping sides?

This is called a shield volcano and an example would be Hawaii.

What type of volcano is a buildup of basaltic layer's forming a broad volcano with gently sloping sides?

A shield volcano

What is A type of volcano with gently sloping sides formed by nonexplosive eruptions?


What is a sheld volcano?

A shield volcano is a domed, broad volcano that has gently sloping sides. They are usually built from the eruption of fluid lava.

Is galeras volcano cinder composite or shield?

Galeras is a Strato/Composite volcano because of it's gently sloping sides.