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The laws of nature would make this impossible, some energy always escapes.

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Q: A well-defined group of objects that transfer energy to one another?
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A well defined group objects that transfer energy to one another?

a closed system

What science describes energy transfer?

Physics is the science that describes energy transfer, including how energy can be converted from one form to another and how it can be transferred between different objects or systems.

What is the transfer of energy from warmer objects to cooler objects called?

The transfer of energy from warmer objects to cooler objects is called heat transfer. This can occur through conduction, convection, or radiation.

What is a well defined group of objects that transfer energy between one another.?

Closed system

What slows the transfer of energy from a warmer object to a cooler object?

The transfer of energy between objects is slowed by the medium through which the heat is transferred. Air, for example, is a poor conductor of heat compared to solids like metal. Additionally, the surface area of contact between the objects and the temperature difference between them can also affect the rate of energy transfer.

Where do mechanical transfer energy?

they transfer energy through sound water and air.

Describe the greenhouse effect using the big idea of energy transfer?

The big idea of energy transfer is the idea of a source of energy being changed into another form of energy such as light energy to heat energy. This effect happens in global warming where chemical energy is transferred into heat energy with a greenhouse effect.

Examples of objects going under energy transfer?

a pool ball knocking into another one causing it to move

What transfer energy to one another?

Two objects can transfer energy to one another through various mechanisms, such as collisions, electromagnetic radiation, or heat conduction. For example, in a collision between two objects, kinetic energy can be transferred from one object to another. In the case of electromagnetic radiation, energy can be transferred between objects through the emission and absorption of photons.

Which property must be the same in order to stop the transfer of energy between two objects?

The temperature of the two objects must be the same in order to stop the transfer of energy between them. Energy will transfer as long as there is a temperature difference between the objects.

Can energy transfer happen between two objects when each object has the exact same energy?

When each object has the same energy, energy transfer can still occur between objects. The object with the greatest mass or traveling speed will transfer the energy.

What term is the transfer of energy between two objects?

The term for the transfer of energy between two objects is heat transfer. Heat can be transferred through conduction, convection, or radiation depending on the material and the surrounding conditions.