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It is possible that it is an anxiety thing, but you should never take a chance when it comes to chest pain and palpitations. It would definitely be a good idea to see your doctor. At least get an EKG and see if it shows anything.

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Q: A while back experienced pressure and soreness in the chest area along with palpitations during this time you had lost a loved one should you see a doctor or is it just stress?
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Are heart palpitations caused by drinking coffee something to worry about or is it normal occassionally?

Generally heart palpitations are not serious. If they are accompanied by chest pain, see your doctor. It's best to reduce caffeine. Too many palpitations can cause heart pumping problems.

Is heart palpitations the same thing as heart beat flutters?

From what I can understand, and I am no doctor, heart palpitations is the same thing as heart beat flutters. Heart palpitation is the feeling that your heart is racing.

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Make sure to stretch before and after exercise, it reduces the lactic acid in the muscles reducing soreness. If it's soreness from the rebuilding of muscle then it's fine but if it's soreness due to injury then don't exercise without consent of a doctor.

Hurts in your back when breathing and heart palpitations?

Any sign of heart palpitations that do not stop should be seen by a doctor to evaluate. This may correct itself on its own and be okay but prolonged or repeated episodes should be evaluated.

What surgery is there for palpitations?

Palpitations of the heart happen naturally. Some can be worse than others though, and they can be uncomfortable. Obesity could make them worse. Go and see your GP/doctor for more advice on treatments which might be suitable for you.

Where can one find information on the causes of heart palpitations?

One can find information on the causes of heart palpitations by asking one's doctor about what the causes are. One can also ask a nurse or go to a nearby clinic to get more information.

When was Doctor Pressure created?

Doctor Pressure was created in 2004.

Has anyone with the Mirena had palpitations?

I seriously doubt that an IUD can cause palpitations. The condition is more common that is recognized and is often the result of calcium or potassium deficiency or a thyroid condition. If you have any concerns about this contact your doctor. Caffeine can also cause palpitations as can many other drugs. There have been several reports of Mirena IUD causing heart palpitations however, and certain deficiencies and shortages can be caused by the hormone release in the IUD. Google on Mirena and heart palpitations and the stories of many women will come up.

If one of your breasts is sore when you are thirteen do you have breast cancer?

If the soreness persists, check in with a doctor. Possibly might be an infection.

Are heart palpitations and shortness of breath a sign of brainstem compression?

Yes, heart palpitations and shortness of breath can be signs of brainstem compression. These symptoms can be caused by other conditions, including heart disease and respiratory conditions. If you are experiencing these symptoms, check with your doctor.

Can you take aspirin and blood pressure medication together?

It is recommended you don't because it can increase the side effects from the nitroglycerin. However I am not a doctor always consult your doctor/physician first!