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well if you ask all the abiotic and biotic factors in a small forest form a ecosystem


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Q: Abiotics and biotic factors form a?
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Related questions

What is made up of biotics and abiotics features?

Environmental Factors are made of biotic and abiotic features.

When do abiotics factors happen?

They do not happen they are just there

What are some abiotics factors in the dessert?


How do abiotics and biotics affect each other?

The abiotic and biotic factors can work together to reduce or extend the life of an individual. They can also work together to influence a particular population so that certain behavioral patterns are affected.

What is the difference between abiotic and biotic decomposition?

There are a couple of subtle differences between abiotic and biotic decomposition. Those are that biotic things are living and abiotics are not. As such, biotic things decompose with bacteria and abiotic things are typically broken down by other substances like water.

What do biotic factors form in a community?

A new population in the ecosystem.

What do biotic and abiotic factors form in a community?

it forms an ecosystem

Are producers abiotic factors or biotic factors?

Producers are biotic factors

Does a community have biotic and a biotic factors?

No, a community is all the biotic factors in an ecosystem.

What are the two types of factors that an ecosystem has?

2 factors are abiotic and biotic factors. Abiotic factors are nonliving things and biotic factors are living things

What are the Abiotic factors of the grassland?

sun, wind, and more. look it up at google!! type in: abiotics factors of grassland biome.

What are some biotics and abiotics of a desert?

the interactions of abiotic and biotic factors in the desert include things like a snake having a home under a rock a rabbit drinking from a stream things of that nature really any interaction of a nonliving thing (rocks, water, wind, even temp), abiotic factor, with any living thing (rabbits, snakes, plants), biotic factors.