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One term is nephritis.

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Q: Abnormal condition of fluid water in the kidney?
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What is hydrophaly?

Hydrophaly is a term used to describe swelling or abnormal accumulation of fluid in body tissues due to excessive water intake. This condition can result from various factors like heart or kidney problems, certain medications, or underlying health issues. Treatment typically involves addressing the underlying cause and managing fluid intake.

What is the medical term meaning abnormal condition of water in the joint?

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What does it mean if you have water on the kidney?

"Water on the kidney" is the literal translation of the medical term hydronephrosis. That's a misnomer, however, because the condition has nothing to do with water. In hydronephrosis, there is often an obstruction in the ureter, bladder, or urethra that prevents urine from emptying out of the kidney. Pressure backs-up as a result, causing the kidney to swell with urine. A common cause is a large kidney stone that prevents proper drainage of the kidney.

Is water moved from the kidney tubules into the blood by osmosis?

Yes, water is moved from the kidney tubules into the blood through a process called osmosis. This process helps in reabsorbing water from the urine into the bloodstream to maintain proper fluid balance in the body.

How does fluid overload in human body cause hyponatremia?

Fluid overload in the body can dilute sodium levels in the blood, leading to hyponatremia. When there is an excess of fluid compared to sodium in the bloodstream, sodium concentration decreases. This can be caused by conditions like heart failure, kidney disease, or excessive intake of fluids without enough sodium.

What is the hormone that reduces the loss of sodium and water by the kidney?

The hormone that reduces the loss of sodium and water by the kidney is aldosterone. Aldosterone is produced by the adrenal glands and helps regulate blood pressure and fluid balance in the body by promoting the reabsorption of sodium and water in the kidneys.

When to Visit a Kidney Doctor?

The kidneys are a sensitive part of the body and when they become infected or compromised, people often suffer pain and retention of fluid in their bodies. Kidney stones are a common condition from which patients suffer. Drinking too many caffeinated beverages and not enough water encourages calcium deposits to build up in the kidneys. A kidney doctor can prescribe antibiotics and pain relievers while the person passes the deposits, or stones, from the bladder.

Is it dangerous if a baby fetus as no water round the head in side the womb?

Hi, We have just found out that our baby is not producing any fluid. We have been told by the consultant that there is a very good chance of a problem with the kidney or no kidney. What can you do...

What does water do to your heart?

Water around the heart is also called a pericardial effusion. The pericardium is a sac that surrounds the heart. If this sac fills with fluid, a pericardial effusion, then the ability of the heart to contract normally is compromised.

What is osmo in blood tests?

Type your answer here... water in blood

What effect would drinking water have on fluid handling in kidney?

Too much fluid intake will cause the kidneys to produce more urine and inadequate fluid intake will cause the kidneys to conserve body fluids by reducing the volume of urine excreted

Function of the collecting duct of the kidneys?

The collecting duct system is the final component of the kidney to influence the body's electrolyte and fluid balance. In humans, the system accounts for 4-5 percent of the kidney's reabsorption of sodium and 5% of the kidney's reabsorption of water. At times of extreme dehydration, over 24% of the filtered water may be reabsorbed in the collecting duct system. Basically, it collects the urine that a nephron (a unit of kidney that filters) filters.