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This largely depends on the breed, age, and overall health of the dog. Consult your veterinarian to be safe. Typical dogs enjoy at least 30 minutes of daily exercise.

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Q: About how long should you exercise your dog daily?
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Dogs need to exercise daily to stay healthy, and walking is a great way to do that! They love to exercise, mark their territory, and explore the place in which they live!

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The best exercise you can share with your dog is taking long walks off-property. Not only will you both get a great, low-impact work-out but your dog's nose and brain will be getting a well-needed work-out as well! Dogs should be walked off-property for at least 15 minutes twice daily.

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they need 5 hours of exercising

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a dog is a dog. the basic needs are much the same but daily exercise is crucial for the breed.

Is the Bearded Collie a good apartment dog?

The Bearded Collie is generally not a good apartment dog. It will do best with a yard which is at least average-sized. The Bearded Collie prefers to be outdoors and it can sleep outside. This breed of dog is active and it requires a lot of exercise. It should be taken out for a long daily walk and it enjoys running free in a safe area.