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This depends on the strength of the filtration system on the tank. On a 'normal' five gallon tank (filter turnover about 5x/hour) three or four would be a good number. On a 'five gallon tank on steroids' (I have one of these - filter turnover 12x/hour) I kept seven with no problems. If you're going to keep more than three or four, regardless of your filtration, you need to be religious about tank maintenance - 50% water change, every week. Keeping more than 6 or 7 in the tank is probably not going to work.

(For filter turnover, 5x/hour means the filter pumps 5 times the tank's volume each hour, so that would be a 25gph filter in a 5 gal tank.)

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Q: About how many guppys can live a 5 gallon fish tank?
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1 inch of body length per gallon of water.

How many guppys can you have in a ten gallon tank?

Well guppys are tiny fish so i have 2 say, wait, well that depens how many other fish u have in the tank here are some examples: If u have a little pet shark, five little goldfish, 4 neon tetras, and 2 clownfish, you should have 5 guppies. If u don't have a pet shark u could have 10 guppies. (new person) Well, technically it is a ten gallon tank. If it was, say, a ten centimeter tank in height and maybe a few inches in width, then maybe ten guppies, more or less, like the person above said. But a ten gallon tank is like pet-store material, so I'd say a couple hundred guppies in a ten gallon tank.

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Yes, guppies can protect themselves. They do this in many ways but the biggest way is by swimming with bigger fish that won't eat them.

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20 gallons for one fish and 10 gallon for each addition goldfish. See the related link for further information.

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normal rule for fish in a tank is: For every 1 inch of fish there is 1 gallon of water

How many guppies can live in a 30gallon fish tank?

Guppies are usually 1 inch long, and a good rule of thumb is to have 1 inch of fish per gallon, so as many as 30 guppies will be just fine. Although, it might be nice to add some different fish occasionally.

How many fish for a 17.45 gallon tank?

Depends on the size of the fish, but no more than a total of 17 inches of fish. 1 inch of fish per gallon of water.

How many fish for a 4 gallon tank?

id say 15 fish

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4 or more or less. Depends on the size of the fish. Usually 1 fish per 1/2 gallon.

How many gallon fish tank should you get for 6 fish?

The rule of thumb is usually a gallon per fish, so six gallons would be good. If the fish are on the large side (like a goldfish), then a seven gallon tank would be ideal.