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anger, joy, revenge

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Q: According to Aristotle music could be used to make people feel?
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Instead of banning modes altogether Aristotle recognized that modes could be used to create different emotional responses. According to Aristotle music could be used to make people feel?


According to Aristotle music had great power to influence your?


Instead of banning modes altogether Aristotle recognized that modes could be used for different reasons According to Aristotle music had great power to influence your?

Each mode expressed a certain feeling and each mode had its place. The Mixolydian mode can make you sad and grave. The Dorian mode settles the mind, is the gravest, the manliest, and avoids extremes. The Phrygian mode is exciting and emotional and inspires enthusiasm. Relaxed modes, Lyndian and Ionian, make people stupid.

What is facts about Aristotle?

Aristotle was a student of Plato. The majority of Aristotle's work has been lost, but about one third of it remains. Aristotle wrote on many subjects, such as science, poetry, music, theater, ethics and politics.

Who said'' let the young practice even such music as we have prescibed''?


What feature did radio in the 1920s offer that other inventions did not offer?

People could listen to music in real time. People could get news from other countries. People could communicate with other people. People could stay home and hear music. it one of the four.

Could people live without music?

could they? or would they? it depends who you are. i couldent! could they? or would they? I coulde'nt but somee people could.

What are Aristotle's six elements of drama?

Plot, Theme, Character, Language, Music, and Specticle

What is an intersting fact about Aristotle?

As well as science, Aristotle wrote on many other subjects including poetry, music, theater, logic, metaphysics, rhetoric, ethics and politics

What was hip hop created for?

music people could get in the rythem

Do people react to different kinds of music?

people react in different ways... they could be entertained and fruitful when hearing the different types of music.

Could Jimi Hendrix read music?

No, he could not read, he was self taught and never really learned to read music. He would play music by watching other people or play be ear.