

According to Jewish tradition what came before Judaism?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Archaeology has shown that no ancient society ever existed that did not believe in the supernatural.

According to Jewish tradition (Rashi commentary, Genesis 4:26), monotheism is more ancient than polytheism.

Idolatry and immorality came before Judaism but after the original brief monotheism, as the spiritual level of the ancient nations descended and they succumbed to their desires (Talmud, Sanhedrin 63). Even then, the subsequent idolatry retained traces of the original belief.

Abraham (who founded Judaism) came at a time when the (relatively) new idolatry had completely supplanted peoples' awareness of One God. Being surrounded by idolaters, he discovered the truth through his own efforts; but in effect he was actually reinstating the original belief.

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One thing that researchers agree upon is that mankind has always believed in a Higher Power. Archaeology has shown that no ancient society ever existed that did not believe in the supernatural.Link: Can you show me that God exists?

According to Jewish tradition (Rashi commentary, Genesis 4:26), monotheism is more ancient than polytheism. Maimonides describes the process by which polytheism began: "A couple of centuries after the Creation, mankind made a great mistake. They said that since God had created the stars and spheres and placed them on high, accordingly it is fitting for people to praise and glorify them and to treat them with honor. They perceived this to be the will of God, that people should exalt and honor the stars. They began to praise and glorify them with words, and prostrate themselves before them, because by doing so, they would (according to their false conception) be indirectly honoring God too."

Link: The full quote from Maimonides

In secular scholarship as well, and based upon a massive worldwide study of the most ancient inscriptions and the earliest levels of civilization, Dr. Wilhelm Schmidt (in his twelve-volume Der Ursprung Der Gottesidee) concluded that the original belief was monotheistic (see footnote 1, below). It was a simple belief in the Creator (Dyeus Pater; Sky-Father) with no imagery of any kind. It gave way relatively quickly to polytheism and idolatry, but its traces could still be seen by the careful researcher, just as (for example) Proto-Indo European has left indelible marks within the later languages. Other traditions also are traceable worldwide, such as the religious significance of the number seven, and the immortality of the soul.

Idolatry and immorality came before Judaism but after the original brief monotheism, as the spiritual level of the ancient nations descended and they succumbed to their desires (Talmud, Sanhedrin 63). Even then, the subsequent idolatry retained traces of the original belief.
Abraham (who founded Judaism) came at a time when idolatry had completely supplanted peoples' awareness of One God. Being surrounded by idolaters, he discovered the truth through his own efforts; but in effect he was actually reinstating the original belief. His efforts were corroborated later, when the Torah was given at Sinai. See also the other Related Link.Link: Abraham's monotheism

This explains why Adam, and a few others, were considered something akin to Torah-sages. Though they came before Judaism, they had the original beliefs and practices which were later revived in the Torah-tradition.


1) Albright, "From the Stone Age," p.170; and J.A. Wilson, "The Culture of ancient Egypt," p.129. Also Baron, "A Social and Religious History," vol. I, p.44 and 311. Also James Meek, "Hebrew Origins," p.188, quoting Langdon, Lagrange and John Ross. Also Martin Nilsson, Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaften, 2nd ed., p.61, 141, 220 and 394.

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