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It limited freedom of speech

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Sharon Fisher

Lvl 10
2y ago

Limited freedom of speech

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What According to those who opposed it what was wrong with the sedition act of 1918?

It limited freedom of speech

According to those who opposed it what was wrong with the Sedition of 1918?

It limited freedom of speech

What is being opposed?

Your wrong

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A tort IS a civil, as opposed to a criminal, wrong.

Who thought that slavery was wrong and opposed its extension?

Frederick Douglass

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That the national government would takes rights away from people.

What are legal classification of crime?

A crime is a wrong which is punished by or on behalf of the state, as opposed to a tort which is a wrong for which a private individual seeks redress.

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You should support same-sex marriage because it is the right thing to do. Its legalization in much of the Western World appears to be inevitable, even though progress sometimes seems slow. When same-sex couples have been guaranteed their basic civil rights, those who opposed these changes will be looked upon negatively, as are those who opposed the abolition of slavery, or those who favored racial segregation, or opposed interracial marriage, opposed women's suffrage, or were on the wrong side of any number of social issues that society has wrestled with.Maliciously obstructing the civil rights of others is not something that posterity will look kindly on.

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No. You would be wrong by a factor of 1094

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An eye for an eye leaves every person blind, and therefore does not make the opposed non-duality wrong because of the cosmic balance and harmony.

What are the legal classification of crimes?

A crime is a wrong which is punished by or on behalf of the state, as opposed to a tort which is a wrong for which a private individual seeks redress.

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It is absolutely wrong to abuse those that you love.