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Q: Adolf Hitler believed which number to be powerful?
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Who was the powerful man in Germany?

adolf Hitler

How did Hitler feel leading another country?

Hitler felt powerful of being in control of the Jews. He was also pleased that he had so many followers. Adolf Hitler believed in fascism, and controlled Germany.

Who believed individualism was bad?

Adolf Hitler

What number is believed to be very powerful by adolf Hitler?

Hitler was not particularly interested in numerology (though he is thought to have at least dabbled in a variety of other occult practices and studies throughout his life) and I have not encountered any number that was thought to have specific significance to him in any biography or documentary.

Why did German's vote for the Nazi Party in the general elections of 1932?

They believed that adolf Hitler would help their economy

What did Adolf Hitler whant to do?

adolf Hitler wanted to rid the world of the Jews who he believed were the scum of the earth, during the holocaust Hitler killed many Jews.

What years did Hitler serve in the army?

adolf hitler was believed to serve until the end of WW1

Who was the dictator that wanted to make germany A POWERFUL Nation?

Adolf Hitler

Why did Adolf Hitler target these groups?

he believed that they were a lower class of being

Who were Adolf Hitler's side kicks?

Adolf Hitler had hundreds of side kicks that were never publicly named or documented. Anyone that believed in Hitler and helped in any way was considered a side kick.

Why did Adolf Hitler fight for the cause they believed in and how did they fight for their cause?

There were multiple things that Adolf Hitler believed in and fought for. If you are talking about the war, then Adolf Hitler believed in German expansion to "purify" Europe. He did this through blitzkrieg or lightning war, where the Germans invaded countries with a striking amount of manpower and war-power. Adolf Hitler didn't fight for the German cause, Germany fought for Adolf Hitler's cause.

What is a trait of Adolf Hitler?

Adolf Hitler is one of the most infamous historical figures. Despite his notoriety in warfare, he was a deeply superstitious person and fervently believed in astrology.