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Q: After Chlorine accepts the electron from sodium what is its charge?
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Sodium and chlorine can bond together Sodium gives chlorine a needed electron What is chlorine's charge after accepting the electron?


Sodium and chlorine can bond together. Sodium gives chlorine a needed electron. What is chlorine's charge after accepting the electron?


Why isn't NA2Cl not an accurate representation of an ionic bond between sodium and chlorine?

Because sodium donates an electron to reach its octet stability and chlorine accepts an electron to reach the same octet. So + to - charge results in this formula for that compound. NaCl

Sodium and chlorine can bond together Sodium gives chlorine a needed electron What is chlorines charge after accepting the electron?


What is the sodium that reacts with chlorine by giving its outermost electron to chlorine?

the sodium (Na) atom gives its single outermose electron to chlorine to form two ions of different charge.

How can an atom of sodium an atom of chlorine form a molecule of sodium chloride?

sodium gives one electron to form sodium cation. chlorine accepts one electron to form chloride anion sodium chloride consists of an array or sodium ions and chloride ions

When an atom of chlorine forms an ionic bond with an atom of sodium the atom of chlorine does what?

accepts an electron to become the chloride anion, Cl-

When sodium and chlorine atoms combine what happens to the electrons?

The sodium atom, Na, is ionized, giving it's electron to the chlorine, Cl. Therefore, one electron is transferred from the sodium to the chlorine, forming Na+ and Cl- ions and an ionic bond.

What would be the electrical charge of a sodium atom that lost an electron?

if a chlorine atom were to attract an electron from a sodium atom it would become positively charged APEX

Why is sodium chloride electrically neutral?

A sodium atom has 11 protons and electrons and a chlorine atom has 17 protons and electrons. When they combine, sodium loses an electron, and chlorine gains the electron sodium lost. Now, sodium has 10 electrons and 11 protons, making it positively charged. Chlorine on the other hand, now has 18 electrons and 17 protons, making it negatively charged. Sodium has a +1 charge, and chlorine has a -1 charge. Both charges cancel out, making it have no charge.

In salt what is the nature of the bond between sodium and chlorine?

The bond between sodium and chlorine is ionic. The sodium atom loses an electron and becomes a positively charged ion, or cation, with a charge of +1. The chlorine atom receives the electron and becomes a negatively charged ion, or anion, with a charge of -1. The electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged ions is the ionic bond.

How are sodium and chlorine ions different from salt molecules?

A sodium ion is a sodium atom missing one electron. A chlorine ion is a chlorine atom with an extra electron. A salt molecule is a sodium ion stuck to a chlorine ion.