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Q: After having six teeth removed and attempting to sleep 4 of your 6 sutures have come loose and are stabbing your gum should you go to the dentist?
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Related questions

After wisdom tooth removal is it normal for the dentist not to stitch the holes?

It all depends on the judgment of the dentist. Sometimes sutures are indicated, sometimes they are not. Placing sutures when they are not indicated can lead to potential complications.

Is prolene sutures supposed to dissolve?

no, prolene ( Polypropylene ) sutures don't dessolve. they should be removed.

Is it okay not to remove stitches?

nonabsorbable sutures have to be removed

What is the name of the person that help the dentist with procedures such as taking impressions or removing sutures?

Just a Dentist Assistant I believe - not a Hygenist or anything like that.

When are stitches removed after laceration repair?

Sutures are removed three to 14 days after the repair is completed.

Where can someone find more information about removing sutures?

Sutures, also known as stitches, should always be removed by a health care professional, never by the patient themselves. A comprehensive guide to removing sutures can be found on Emedicine Health.

What color are wisdom teeth sutures?

i had a wisdom tooth removed on the left side of my lower jaw on wednesday. my sutures are white. hope this helps. oh and they hurt like hell!

What does it mean when the sutures of the skull are no longer visible?

It could mean two things One they were desolvable sutures or two they were left in to long and the wound healed up over them, and they need to be removed by a Doctor

What are suture lines?

A suture is the name given to the stitches used to close a wound or during an operation. The suture lines are the line of sutures used that remain visible even after the sutures have been removed.

When is Stitch removal from wisdom teeth extraction?

If sutures are placed following extractions, five to seven days is usually the time frame for having them removed. Also remember than sometimes surgeons use resorbable sutures. That means the suture essentially dissolves over time and does not have to be removed.

Is suture removal painfull?

When you have sutures removed, there should be little to no pain. It may be a little uncomfortable but that doesn't last long.

How long do the stitches stay in after spaying?

After an ovariohysterectomy (spay), the abdominal sutures should remain in place a minimum of 14 days (two weeks). This allows the underlying tissues to heal so that when the sutures are removed, the abdominal wall remains closed.