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The injection of a corticosteroidal medication into the affected wrist. Then a restriction on any movement for several days, with the wearing of a wrist splint for about one month and hand and wrist exercises.

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Frequent rest breaks from aggravating activity, anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, and using a splint to keep the wrist in a neutral position.

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Carpal tunnel syndrome is initially treated with splints, which support the wrist and prevent it from flexing inward into the position which exacerbates median nerve compression.

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When carpal tunnel syndrome is more advanced, injection of steroids into the wrist to decrease inflammation may be necessary.

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Q: What is the first line of treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome?
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Definition of carpul tunnel syndrome exactly?

It is the compression or compromise of the median nerve as it passes through the wrist area. The anatomical name of the wrist is called the carpal tunnel...if you have symptoms of numbness and tingling of the first 2 or 3 fingers (usually worse at night) and some wrist hand pain then you might have the "syndrome", hence the name carpal tunnel syndrome or CTS

Does Workers Comp cover carpal tunnel surgery in KY?

Possibly..You first have to establish that exposure to the type of work you do or did caused your Carpal tunnel syndrome. Also did you report it in the appropriate time frame. (i.e. did you notify your employer and follow the company's guidelines for reporting injuries) IF you have done all these things and your CTS case was accepted as work related in the first place, then the form of treatment that would follow would also be covered. Surgery being a form of treatment.

When was carpal tunnel syndrome discovered?

Sir James Paget first reported median nerve compression at the wrist following a wrist fracture back in 1854! The first use of the term "carpal tunnel syndrome" was in 1939. The pathology was identified by physician Dr. George S. Phalen of the Cleveland clinic after working with a group of patients in the 1950s and 1960s.

What is wrong with you your hands have cramps when you are on the computer?

it is a condition called carpal tunnel syndrome. it is caused by compression of median nerve travelling through the carpal tunnel (at the wrist region), while you are working on computer (e.g typing), resulting in numbness of first three and the half fingers.

What does carpal tunnel affect?

Carpal tunnel is actually the name of the area in your wrist where nerves and tendons pass through. If the median nerve gets compressed or pinched in some way, this can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. Typically it can cause night or morning symptoms of numbness and tingling of the hands (first 2 or 3 fingers) and sometimes pain. If it goes on long enough w/o treatment, you can lose muscle tone and grip strength in your hands.

Can carpal tunnel be caused by head injury?

Not exactly.There is a long nerve(median nerve) that exits out of your neck bones(vertebrae),travels through your shoulder,upper and lower arm,through your wrist area (called the carpal tunnel) and branches out into your thumb,and first 3 fingers.If you have some type of neck injury..say a ruptured disc at the location where this nerve originates,then you can have symptoms that mimic carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS).True CTS is from prolonged pressure/inflammation on the median nerve at the carpal tunnel area in your wrist .Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a collection of characteristic symptoms and signs that occurs following entrapment of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel. Usual symptoms include numbness, paresthesias, and pain in the median nerve distribution. These symptoms may or may not be accompanied by objective changes in sensation and strength of median-innervated structures in the hand. Given that carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is associated with low aerobic fitness (and increased BMI), it makes inherent sense to provide the patient with an aerobic fitness program.

When was carpal tunnel discovered?

Sir James Paget first reported median nerve compression at the wrist following a distal radius fracture in 1854. Acute trauma to the wrist such as fractures can cause swelling, bleeding and physical pressure on the median nerve. There are many other causes of carpal tunnel syndrome other than fractures.

Can you have carpal tunnel syndrome with no pain?

Probably not. It really depends on your definition of severe. Some people feel that they have severe symptoms but in reality their NCS (nerve conduction studies) are reported out as mild and a large portion of their symptoms are related to tendonitis etc..However, If you actually have NCS/EMG studies showing severe CTS and symptoms for longer than 3 months, then you will need carpal tunnel release

Can breastfeeding cause carpal tunnel syndrome?

I have experienced carpel tunnel syndrome symptoms during breastfeeding, but I have also had the same during the first month of pregnancy (after which the numbness/tingling disappeared and did not re-appear until I was breastfeeding). I suspect it is something hormonal. I have never had repetative work injury issues. I am wondering if menopause will aggravate it.

What could cause pain in my left hand in the last 3 fingers first numbness then pain at night?

This pattern of numbness followed by pain in the last 3 fingers of the left hand, particularly at night, could be indicative of carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition occurs when the median nerve in the wrist is compressed, leading to tingling, numbness, or pain in the fingers. It's advisable to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment options.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and how does it originate?

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a medical condition in which the median nerve is compressed at the wrist causing symptoms like tingling, numbness, night time wakening, pain, coldness, and sometimes weakness in parts of the hand. CTS is much more common in women than it is in men, and has a peak incidence around age 50 (though it can occur in any adult). It likely is present to some extent in up to 10% of the adult population. I would agree with the above post. "How it originates" is a hotly debated subject among legal and medical experts. A Study by Harvard and others have now shown that computer useage is not really a cause of the majority, if any, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) cases.Certainly repetitive use can aggravate some CTS cases...but does it or did it ACTUALLY CAUSE CTS is another issue.There are many causes or risk factors for getting CTS other than repetitive use such as; obesity,diabetes,pregnancy,hypothyroidism,arthritis etc...really anything that can cause swelling and inflammation in the carpal tunnel canal,and therefore exerting pressure over a prolonged time on the median nerve,can cause carpal tunnel symptoms.Carpal tunnel is the space between the wrist bones and the ligaments of the wrist through which the median nerve passes. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) develops when the median nerve becomes compressed. The symptoms include: pins and needles or tingling of the first three fingers pain or numbness usually worse at night weakness of the handThere are many risk factors that may contribute to a person getting CTS, such as diabetes, repetitive work and pregnancy just to name a few. Most cases should be treated with conservative measures first such as a day wrist support, wrist ice wraps, pain relieving gels and night splints. If symptoms still persist you should see a healthcare professional for further treatment options such as surgery. The carpal tunnel is the anatomical name of the part of your wrist where the carpal tunnel syndrome can occur. It is a tunnel formed by wrist bones on 3 sides and a thick band on the top. Then median nerve and the tendons go through this hour glass shaped area or tunnel. If the median nerve gets inflammed or compressed for long periods of time it can cause carpal tunnel syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome is happens as the result of compression of the median nerve at the wrist. This may bring about numbness, tingling, weakness, or muscle damage in the hands and fingers. The median nervecontrols the thumb side of the palm, and to the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and the thumb side of the ring finger. It alsocontrols movement and sensation to part of the hand. The area where this nerve runs into the hand is called the carpal tunnel. This passageway rigid, and therefore any swelling in this area can put pressure on the nerve. This may also be called entrapment of the nerve.Answer2: In addition to the above, my orthopedist and neurologist said that carpal tunnel begins in the neck and not in the wrist or hand. I saw an article online that indicates this as well. It says the following: "Medical experts at Advanced Health and Physical Medicine in Greenville, NC have seen numerous patients who were experiencing carpal tunnel symptoms that originate on a different level. The trajectory of the median nerve starts in the spinal nerve roots that exit the neck vertebrae and travel towards the hand in the vicinity of spinal and neck muscles and through the elbows Any obstruction or misalignment at this level can also cause carpal tunnel symptoms."

Avoiding Carpal Tunnel To Keep Working?

Avoiding carpal tunnel syndrome is something that can be done, but it takes careful planning. Throughout the day, people who perform repetitive motions will have to be conscious of the fact that they have to do certain exercises and take frequent breaks if they are to avoid injury to the carpal tunnel area. Otherwise, they may be subject to a workplace injury that will keep them from doing their jobs. The first thing that people can do to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome is to perform a few exercises before beginning their duties. For the hands, this could be as simple as shaking them before starting work. It will be necessary to take frequent breaks throughout the day; the exercises will need to be repeated before resuming work each time a break ends. If people sit long hours throughout the day, they will need to be aware of their posture. Good posture is important to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome. Workers do not want to be hunched over their computers or other machines while they are working, because they need their hands to be in a straight line. If the hands are higher or lower than a thirty degree angle, then the carpal tunnel area has the potential to become squeezed. This is how injuries begin. To avoid this, the hands should be in as straight a line as possible such as when typing at a keyboard. Sitting for long hours is not recommended if someone wants to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome, but with good posture, it can be prevented. People need to make sure that their feet are planted firmly on the ground with their knees bent at a forty-five degree angle with their backs straight. This will keep the body from scrunching into a position that will squeeze the carpal tunnel area in the hands. Also because sitting for long hours is not good for the body, people will need to take a break every hour, as was mentioned above. During these breaks, people will need to stand up and perform, not just exercises for the hands that are executing repetitive motions, but for the entire body. Stretching exercises will help people avoid carpal tunnel syndrome when they take frequent breaks.