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My answer is vague but see your Dr. Sometimes you need a shot of I don't know what which will balance out your hormones a little and stop the bleeding. When I first took the Depo Provera I had a 3 month period until I told my Dr and she fixed it in 2 seconds for me.

This could be normal adjustment or an issue so talk to your Doc!

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Q: After my first Depo Shot my period was about 10 days late and now I have been on my period for over 10 days is this normal or what might be wrong?
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it might just be in change of stress level or diet. as long as its normal or 3 months before and after it should be fine but you might want to check with a doctor tho

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do visit a doctor? its not normal --No, it is perfectly normal. Are you small, because that is likely the reason. Some girls dont start until 16. When your mom started is a good way to find out when you will start.

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If its your first period, then you dont really know if there's anything really wrong with you. But if your period came once and hasn't come for more than a month and a half, then there might be something wrong. But dont get scared. Usually periods come around every 4 weeks. :) It's basically natural.