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In nature, it can transform into another element that is stable. Example: carbon-14 into nitrogen-14.

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Q: After the nucleus of a radioactive element undergoes changes the element can transform into what?
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What is meant by a radioactive element?

A radioactive element is an element that readily undergoes nuclear decay - the nucleus spontaneously emits subatomic particles as the element changes into another element.

What After the nucleus of a radioactive element undergoes the element can transform into?

There are many radio active elements which decay into lighter elements and give off charged particles in the process. The best place to find this voluminous information is in a 'Table of the Nuclides'.

How can an atoms of one element change into an atom of a different element?

By losing protons. Atomic number determines what kind of element it is. ---------------------------- This can only happen if the nucleus changes its number of protons because the nucleus is unstable and undergoes radioactive decay. As it changes it will emit some form of radiation

What is a radioactive nonmetal At Po Ra Xe none of these?

None of these options are correct. The radioactive nonmetal element is polonium (Po). It is a highly toxic and rare element that undergoes radioactive decay.

What kind of decay results in the formation of a different element?

both top and bottomAlpha decay is a kind of radioactive decay in which an alpha particle is emitted from an atom. An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons. Therefore, when an atom of an element undergoes alpha decay, it loses two protons, which changes the atom from one element to another. This is because each different element is identified by the number of protons in its nuclei.or to be more blunt without all the detail radioactive

What happens to an element when it emits radioactive particles?

IT changes into a new, usually lighter element.

How does the composition of a rock containing a radioactive element change over time?

The compositionn of a rock containing a radioactive element changes over time by: decaying and changing into another element; the amount of the radio active element goes down, but the amount of the new element goes up.

What is an element that gives off radiation as it slowly changes into a nonradioactive element called?

This is a radioactive chemical element.

What is the lightest element that can undergo radioactive decay and what type of decay occurs in that element?

The lightest "element" that can undergo radioactive decay is the isotope hydrogen-3, which undergoes beta decay. The lightest element with no radioactively stable isotopes is technetium, and its isotopes have different modes of decay.

When an atom undergoes radioactive decay does it become a different element?

That depends on the type of decay, alpha and beta decay change the atom into a different element but gamma decay does not.

The process by which one element naturally changes into another is called?

It is radioactive decay.

What characterizes a radioactive element?

As radioactive element is an element that is on the Priodic Table of Elements. A Radioactive Element is usually radioactive.