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Q: After the war of independence the thirteen colonies formed a what?
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What does the Declaration of Independence of the Thirteen Colonies have to do with the Revolution?

The Declaration of Independence was the written separation from England by the Thirteen Colonies. It basically stated that England no longer had control over the colonies, and was signed by the representatives of the Thirteen Colonies.

How did the thirteen colonies declare independence?

the 13 colonies got their independence from Britain because it was a lot of days for the war, so a general put a white flag to surrendered.

Which came first the revolutionary war or the thirteen colonies?

The thirteen colonies. When we won the war, the colonies became the first thirteen states.

What were the cause of the declaration of independence?

The causes of the Declaration of Independence was the increase in british troops in the thirteen colonies in America and a war, the American Revolution, that lasted about 5 years.

What war was between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism?

The American Revolution was the war between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism.

Was the thirteen colonies created as states by the Declaration of Independence?

Practically, yes. Technically, no. The USA wasn't officially founded until the end of the Revolutionary War, and the Declaration of Independence was signed at the start of the Revolutionary War.

What effects did the Revolutionary War have on the US?

It led to the thirteen colonies gaining their independence from the British Empire and ultimately led to the creation of the United States of America.

What was the name of the war that America gained independence from Britain?

The war fought by the 13 colonies to gain independence from England is called the American Revolution. It resulted in the confirmation of the independence of the soon to be formed United States of America.

If During the Revolutionary War what was the definition of a Loyalist?

During the American Revolutionary War, people opposed to the independence of the thirteen colonies were called loyalists. meaning loyal to Great Britain and King George.

Were there thirteen original colonies before the American Revolutionary War?

The revolutionary war was in the 13 colonies of the u.s.a.

What document listed the American colonist reasons for wanting independence from England?

The Declaration of Independence was written during the Revolutionary War and listed the reasons the thirteen colonies should no longer be part of the British Empire. Its author was Thomas Jefferson.

What war did the colonies declare their independence?

The Revolutionary War