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The Declaration of Independence was written during the Revolutionary War and listed the reasons the thirteen colonies should no longer be part of the British Empire. Its author was Thomas Jefferson.

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Q: What document listed the American colonist reasons for wanting independence from England?
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What document listed the American colonist reasons for wanting independence for England?

Declaration of Independence

What document declared colonist free from England?

The Declaration of Independence

Who was the king of England when American colonist declared their independence from England?

George III

What document ends the american revolution?

the document declaring our independence from England.

What did the colonist write to declare thensevles independent from great britatin?

The Declaration of Independence is the name of the letter the American colonist sent to England declaring their independence.

What document separated the American colonies from England?

which document explained the reasons that the colonies where breaking from england from their own country

Why was the deceleration of independence a revolutionary document?

It was the document used to declare war on England, the mother country of the American colonies.

What American document contained many Enlightened principles as it reasons for separating from England?

The Declaration of Independence

Who was Tom pain?

Thomas Paine was an American Revolutionary leader and pamphleteer (born in England) who supported the American colonist's fight for independence and supported the French Revolution (1737-1809).

Who was the king of England when American colonist declared their independence?

American colonists' declared their independence in1776. The English King at the time was George III.

What American document contained many enlightened principles as it reasons separating from England?

The Declaration of Independence

Wich American colonists document reasons for wanting independence from England?

The Declaration of Independence written in July 1775 by Thomas Jefferson.