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Q: After world war 2 who could draw unemployment payments for up to a year after release from the military?
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Can you receive unemployment 6 years after being fired?

Generally, no. Unemployment eligibility depends on the state; some allow unemployment payments if you were fired for cause, while many do NOT allow it. Unemployment is currently paid for 99 weeks, about 19 months. After 6 years without work, it's very unlikely that you could receive unemployment. But I suppose it's worth asking; what's the worst that they could say? NO! Then you're no worse off than you would be if you didn't ask. But I wouldn't count on it.

Could you collect unemployment being suspend till further noticial?

could you collect unemployment being suspend till further notice

Unemployment in Texas reasons for denial?

There are a number of reasons why you could be denied for unemployment in Texas. You could for example not qualify because you had a backup job.

Can retired military collect Georgia unemployment insurance?

Only if you don't tell them about your retirement. I retired Jan 2010 and immediately went to work FT. After 7 months, I was laid off without notice. I applied for unemployment and stated honestly that I receive a military retirement. I am a man of integrity and had no desire to falsify information that could come back to haunt me or even be charged with a crime since it is illegal to falsify information when applying for unemployment. I was told that I did not qualify for unemployment benefits becaus I receive a military retirement. In short, in the state of Georgia, retired veterans will never be eligible for unemployment benefits because our retirement is more than the benefit. What is being lost in all this is that the state requires every employer to pay into the unemployment system for their workers. This means that the state of Georgia gets to keep the money paid by my employer because I can never qualify for unemployment benefits. This is outrageous! I guess my 24 years of service wasn't enough, they now want my unemployment benefits as well. Just their way of saying "Thanks for your service". Good Soldier

What if you filed too many claims on unemployment?

You could be guilty of unemployment fraud, which you definitely do not want! Check with your state's unemployment office for definitions and criteria to avoid innocent mistake.

Can a person collect unemployment benefits while on short term disability in Texas?

Private Disability Insurance Private disability insurance includes sickness and accident payments, long-term disability, and short-term disability. This insurance is usually part of a benefits package at work. If you are currently receiving sickness and accident payments, you are still eligible for Pennsylvania work comp payments. Keep in mind: * If your employer pays the premium on your private disability insurance, the amount of your work comp payment will be reduced by the amount of your private disability payment. * If you pay the premium for your private disability insurance, your work comp payment will not be reduced. Unemployment Compensation A person who applies for unemployment compensation must: * be unemployed through no fault of their own (ex. Didn't quit their job) * be able to work * be available to work * register at a Job Service Office * have worked a minimum number of weeks during the year * have earned a minimum amount in wages during the year Whether or not a person continues to receive unemployment compensation is determined each week. If you are already receiving PA workers comp payments, there is really never any reason to receive unemployment compensation. Your work comp payment will be reduced based on your gross unemployment compensation payment. Example: If you are receiving $400 per week in workers compensation payments and you apply for $400 per week in unemployment, your workers compensation will drop to $0. In addition, the $400 in unemployment compensation will be taxable while the workers compensation payment was not taxable. Unemployment compensation may be an option if the amount of your unemployment benefits after taxes exceeds the amount of your work comp payment. This could possibly happen if you were injured after a short time on a low-paying job but had previously worked for a longer period at a higher paying job. Also, if your Pennsylvania work comp payments are being disputed (such that you are not currently receiving work comp payments), it makes sense to collect unemployment for something to live on during the dispute. Once you begin to receive work comp, any past due work comp payments will be reduced by the amount of unemployment payments you received during that time period

If you are on unemployment and take a temporary job will you still be eligible for unemployment once the position is over?

Because most states have a 52 week benefit period in which to collect up to 26 weeks unemployment, you could be. On the other hand, depending on your earnings at your temporary job, you could still be eligible for partial unemployment benefits.

Can you become someone's payee for SSI while on unemployment?

If you received income from someone (such as someone else's SSI), it would have to be reported to the unemployment office, which could reduce or eliminate your unemployment benefit

my husband, Michael Bolf, has been active reserve army for the past 3 years. He is coming off orders Dec. 16, but is trying to get with another unit, but it could take up to 3 months. Can he apply for unemployment while this is in process?

He cannot request unemployment benefits from the military. The military reserves are not meant to be full-time employment, but rather supplemental. Hopefully, he will be able to be reassigned fairly soon and you won't have to deal with the delay.

What does DOR stand for in military?

Could be Date of Rank or Daily Operations Report or Depth of Repair and Due Out Release

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What can you do if your employer falsely accused you of collecting unemployment while working for them?

You should gather all the evidence you can to substantiate your position, such as requesting the state's unemployment department to search for any record of payments to you. A claimant must provide his Social Security number and other information to be able to collect. If you did collect under false pretenses, the state could file fraud charges against you so it would behoove you to cooperate as fully as possible.