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You need to contact the owners of those properties and make an offer to buy.

If they are tax title properties then you need to contact the assessor and ask when the sale of those properties will be conducted. You need to know what you will be required as a down payment. Also, you should have an idea of how much is due in delinquent taxes and any other municipal charges.

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It depends where you live, although it's similar everywhere.

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Q: After you get a list of parcel numbers how do you go about buying the deed or deeds?
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What is the plural of deed?

The plural of deed is deeds.

What does your house deed cover?

It covers the parcel of land described in the deed, anything permanently attached to it, and all the rights and burdens that are attached to that parcel of land.It covers the parcel of land described in the deed, anything permanently attached to it, and all the rights and burdens that are attached to that parcel of land.It covers the parcel of land described in the deed, anything permanently attached to it, and all the rights and burdens that are attached to that parcel of land.It covers the parcel of land described in the deed, anything permanently attached to it, and all the rights and burdens that are attached to that parcel of land.

Can a warranty deed be reserve by quit claim deed after a death?

No. A warranty deed cannot be reserved by a quitclaim deed. Deeds convey real property.No. A warranty deed cannot be reserved by a quitclaim deed. Deeds convey real property.No. A warranty deed cannot be reserved by a quitclaim deed. Deeds convey real property.No. A warranty deed cannot be reserved by a quitclaim deed. Deeds convey real property.

What Is the difference between a collector's deed and a deed of conveyance?

In Massachusetts a collector's deed is an old form used by the tax collector to seize land of tax delinquents for non-payment of property taxes.A deed is the instrument used to transfer an interest in real property. There are different types of deeds such as treasurer's deeds, trustee's deeds, quitclaim deeds, warranty deeds and foreclosure deeds. A deed of conveyance is any deed that conveys an interest in real property. Therefore all those types of deeds mentioned are deeds of conveyance.

My deed has my neighbor's property on it aswell as ours The previous owner owned both parcel 1 and 2 We purchased parcel 1 and my neighbor parcel 2 Is it an error that their parcel is on my deed?

Absolutely. If you have the deed to their land, for all lawful purposes, it means that it is your land! You own it because you have the deed. You are even entitled to sell their parcel (not that you would, but you could). On the down side, because you are registered as the owner of his land, when it comes time to pay property tax, the bill will come to you. Since the land is in your name you will be on the hook to pay for it. You and your neighbor have to have this straightened out because it is the makings of a nightmare and lawsuits down the road. It looks like it's time to take a trip down to City Hall.

What is the plural form of the word 'deed'?

The plural form of the word 'deed' is 'deeds'.

What is Sacagawea's deeds?

sacagaweas evidence of heroic deed

Is the word deeds a verb or noun?

The word 'deeds' is both a verb and a noun.The word 'deeds' is the third person singular present of the verb to deed: He deeds the land to his son in his will.The word 'deeds' is the plural form for the singular noun deed: The deeds to both properties are in our safe.

How do you use the word deeds in a sentence?

She was recognized for her selfless deeds in the community.

I want to do a Quit Claim Deed and I need to find a property's Parcel Identification?

You should consult an attorney who can draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction. A deed must show the legal description for the property and not the assessor's designation. Errors made on deeds drafted by non-professionals can be costly to correct if they can be corrected.You should consult an attorney who can draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction. A deed must show the legal description for the property and not the assessor's designation. Errors made on deeds drafted by non-professionals can be costly to correct if they can be corrected.You should consult an attorney who can draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction. A deed must show the legal description for the property and not the assessor's designation. Errors made on deeds drafted by non-professionals can be costly to correct if they can be corrected.You should consult an attorney who can draft a proper deed for your jurisdiction. A deed must show the legal description for the property and not the assessor's designation. Errors made on deeds drafted by non-professionals can be costly to correct if they can be corrected.

What form do you use to give a parcel of land to a granddaughter?

A quit claim deed.

Is latitude and longitude the same as the legal property description?

No. Generally, the legal description for a property is the deed description. Generally, the deed description should be carried forward in subsequent deeds unless the land is subdivided, and a new description is thereby created, or the land is surveyed, the survey is recorded in the land records and then referred to in subsequent deeds. A survey can strengthen a formerly, vague bounded description.Longitude and latitude are not useful in property descriptions unless, perhaps, someone is buying a small deserted island.No. Generally, the legal description for a property is the deed description. Generally, the deed description should be carried forward in subsequent deeds unless the land is subdivided, and a new description is thereby created, or the land is surveyed, the survey is recorded in the land records and then referred to in subsequent deeds. A survey can strengthen a formerly, vague bounded description.Longitude and latitude are not useful in property descriptions unless, perhaps, someone is buying a small deserted island.No. Generally, the legal description for a property is the deed description. Generally, the deed description should be carried forward in subsequent deeds unless the land is subdivided, and a new description is thereby created, or the land is surveyed, the survey is recorded in the land records and then referred to in subsequent deeds. A survey can strengthen a formerly, vague bounded description.Longitude and latitude are not useful in property descriptions unless, perhaps, someone is buying a small deserted island.No. Generally, the legal description for a property is the deed description. Generally, the deed description should be carried forward in subsequent deeds unless the land is subdivided, and a new description is thereby created, or the land is surveyed, the survey is recorded in the land records and then referred to in subsequent deeds. A survey can strengthen a formerly, vague bounded description.Longitude and latitude are not useful in property descriptions unless, perhaps, someone is buying a small deserted island.