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Q: Alcohol contains ethanol gasoline or carbon?
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Related questions

What is in drinking alcohol?

Drinking alcohol is called ethanol, and it contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. (C6H5OH)

Which element is contained in alcohol?

Pure ethanol contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

How is rubbing alcohol and vinegar different?

Rubbing alcohol has many uses one of these is for muscle aches and hot or feverish skin. Isopropyl one of alcohol constituents has gasoline elements which are harmful to humans if used or consumed.

Are methylated spirits a compound?

Methylated spirit is Ethanol and Methanol Ethyl Alcohol and Methyl Alcohol Which are organic Ethanol contains Carbon , Oxygen and Hydrogen and methanol Contains Carbon , Oxygen and Hydrogen the both alcohols are chemical compounds

Which is a compound that contains a carbon?

There are millions of compounds that contain carbon. Here is one, ethanol, drinking alcohol.

What is the difference between ethanol and Carbon Dioxide?

Ethanol is an alcohol and carbon dioxyde is an inorganic gas.

What is the difference between ethanol and butanol?

Ethanol is an alcohol with two carbon atoms (C2H5OH) and butanol is an alcohol with four carbon atoms (C4H9OH)

What is the element for C2H5OH?

C2H5OH is ethanol, which is an alcohol. It contains two carbon atoms, six hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

How many carbon atoms does ethanol have?

The molecular formula of ethanol is C2H4O. This shows that each molecule of ethanol contains two carbon atoms.

Is there carbon in alcohol?

The alcohol in drinks like Beer and Wine is a compound of carbon. It is called ethyl alcohol - C2H5OH

Is their iodine in alcohol?

No, alcohol (or more technically ethanol) is a compound of hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen

What are the products of ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide may be a product of the ethanol fermentation.