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Q: Alexander hamilton called a convention to consider what changes were needed to the articles of confederation?
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What is constitutional convention?

A constitutional convention is a meeting held in 1787 to consider changes to the Articles Of Confederation; resulted in the drafting of the Constitution.

Why did Alexander Hamilton propose a meeting of the delegates?

To discuss trade issues and to consider changing the Articles of Confederation.

What is the Constitutional Convention of 1787 called?

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was called in order to consider amendments to the Articles of Confederation, not to write another Constitution entirely. During deliberations over amendments to the Articles, it was realized that the Articles could not be patched up to make them workable. The framers began to think in terms of a completely different approach to a national government and created the Constitution. One irony is that some of the states never would have sent delegations to the Convention if they knew the Framers were going to create a whole new system instead of fixing the old one.State house, Philadelphia, PA. There is a copy of it at Knox Berry Farm in LA.

What did the delegates at the constitutional convention consider a weakness of the articles of confederation?

Congress couldn’t pass laws because state representatives did not always attend congressional sessions, so the constitution made it a crime for legislators to skip sessions of congress.

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Why did some of the founders of the American Republic consider the lack of national executive and judiciary under the Articles of Confederation as one of the documents great strengths?


Why did some of the founders of American Republic consider the lack of national executive and judiciary under the articles of confederation as one of the documents great strength?


What is the first capital of US?

Some consider York to have been the first capital because of the Articles of Confederation but New York City was the first capital of the New Constitution.

Why do historians consider it a catalyst in the movement toward creating a new US constitution?

The reason why historians consider Shays' Rebellion a significant catalyst in the push toward writing a new U.S. Constitution is because rebellion highlighted the fact that the federal government, under the Articles of Confederation, was too weak. The rebellion began in 1786.

What state initially refused to call a convention to consider ratifying the constitution?


What state initially refuse to call a convention to consider ratifying the Constitution?


What state initally refused to call a convention to consider ratifying the constitution?

North Carolina