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Q: Algae are classified as part of the kingdom?
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Algae is classified in what kingdom?

Algea is classified into "Protista"(Protoctista) kingdom.

What kingdom are algae classified under?


What is the scientific classification of algae?

Algae is a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms that belong to the kingdom Protista. They can be further classified into different divisions based on features like pigmentation, cell wall composition, and habitat.

Is algae vascular or non-vascular?

Algae is non-vascular and it is classified in the Kingdom Protista.

Is algae a plant?

Actually, most algae is classified in the kingdom Protista. Cyanobacteria (also algae) is classified as a bacteria. Very few organisms that take the common name "algae" are still classified as plants. Response: So, no, algae is not a plant Response: yes

How can you tell a protozoa from an algae?

You can't. An algae is a type of protozoa, and they are classified under the kingdom protista.

What kingdom does likens fall into?

As lichens are a not a single living organism, but are rather a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and an algae (ie. a relationship where one is needed for the other to survive, and vice-versa), they cannot be classified into one kingdom. This is because a fungus (obviously) is part of the fungus kingdom, and algae is part of the plant kingdom.

What group does the green algae belong?

algae are classified according to color, they are also classified according to how they reproduce

What is green algae's kingdom?

Green algae are sometimes classified as Kingdom Protista, and sometimes as Kingdom Plantae, depending on the species and on whether the classification system being used includes a Kingdom Protista.

Are algae part of the fungi kingdom?

No, algae do not belong to the Kingdom Fungi. All algae belong in the unranked classification Archaeplastida, and green algae also belong to the Kingdom Plantae.

Why is algae not a?

ANS1: it is ANS2: Algae used to be classified as plants but, since enough people have agreed that algae have entirely too many unplantlike characteristics to remain in the plant kingdom, they are now classified as protists.

What kingdom does algae and belong to?

Algae is Plant Kingdom. Protozoa is ANimal Kingdom (note the "...zoa" part, meaning "animal").