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Alkaline solutions have a pH higher than 7

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Q: Alkaline solutions have pH values below 7?
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Does alkaline solutions have pH values below 7?

The higher the pH value the higher the Alkaline concentration.

A solution with a pH above 7 is?

A pH level of 7 is neutral. Acidic solutions have pH values less than 7. Basic solutions have pH values higher than your answer is... it is a BASE

What solutions have high pH?


Has a pH of more than 7?

pH below 7 is termed acidic. pH of 7 is termed neutral (water). pH above 7 is termed basic or an alkaline.

What pH numbers do acids have?

Solutions with a pH less than 7 are said to be acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are alkaline.

What colour is the pH paper in alkaline solutions?

not quite sure...

What is alkaline solutions?

when pH of a solution is in the range of 7-14, the solution is said to be alkaline solution.

How can pH of a solution be tested?

By dissolving the pH solution a colour change will occur in the solution that should be tested.Compairing the colour of solution to the colours marked on of pH chart we can find out if the solution we tested is of alkaline nature or of acidic nature or neutral.Solutions of pH7are neutral solutions.Solutions below pH7 are acidic solutions and those above pH7 are alkaline solutions.

What pH do Alkalis have?

Any aqueous solution that has a pH value greater than 7 can be considered alkaline. A strongly alkaline aqueous solution usually has a pH of at least 10, and aqueous solutions of very strong alkalies can have a pH range above 13.

Do acids have a Ph below level 7?

Yes the do. A Ph value of 1-6 is acid. 7 is neutral (think distilled water) Values of 8 and above are alkaline.

What is pH values for acidic?

Anything with a pH of 7 or lower is acidic, and anything with a pH of 7 or higher is alkaline.

Blood pH is?

Blood has a pH value of about 7.4 which makes is very slightly alkaline. A pH value of 7 is neutral and anything below that is acidic.