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Horses are herbivores, they are made to live on plants and/or forages. For a good quality digestive tract function, a horse should have 1% of their body weight in long-stem dry matter, such as hay. Other minimum requirements for a horses nutrient include; 8-10% crude protein, 0.3% calcium, 0.2% phosphorus and 1Mcal of digestible energy per pound of the total ration. Typically, good quality hay is enough to ensure a horse is properly fed, so long as it is fed in the correct amount. There are still debates on whether or not added supplements are needed for nutrient.

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Mostly grass,grain,and water.You will also most likely need some vitamins to put in your horses food.

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Q: All horses should have what in their diet?
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What percentage of horses diet should be forage?

Horses should have a forage diet. mainly all of their diet should consist of hay, and grass. apples and carrots can be fed ocaisionaly. grains and supplements should be talked to a vet about, depending on your horse's conditions.

Are horses on any kind of diet?

A horses diet should consist primarily of forages like grass or hay and minimal to no concentrates. For horses that require a specialized diet it's best to have a equine vet assist you.

Should your horse eat pellets only?

no horses should eat varieties of food relevant in their diet

What percentage of a horses diet should be forage if he is a light work?

About 75 to 80 percent.

What do horses who frequently exercise need in their diet?

Horses need to be exercised every day for 30 minutes or more and they should eat chaff, pony/horse mix and sugar beet, should have fresh clean water available at all times.

Is spinach all right for horses?

Horses are adapted to a diet based primarily of forages. There are obviously a wide range of things that our horses may enjoy consuming, not all of which are good for their health. Spinach is not bad for horses.

What kind of food do the Cleveland bay horses eat?

All horses no matter what breed eat the same things. Hay or grass should be the bulk of the diet. And if the horse is in moderate or heavier work a bit of grain or pelleted feed can be added.

Do all horses like eating hay and bran?

Horses 'natural' diets are anything but hay and bran. Hay and bran should only be used when the horses are not able to go and feed on living plants. Horses will eat hay and bran, but a more healthy diet consists of living plants.

Does a horse always have grass as a meal?

Grass or hay (dried grass) should almost always make up the base of a horses diet. Fresh green grass can cause health problems in certain horses though. Horses can also have certain types of grains, fruits and vegetables. There are some foods that are toxic or poisonous to them and should be avoid at all times. Sugar is also not good for horses.

What is the Clyedsdale horses diet?

It's not a warmblood breed so a fairly rough diet is fine. Most live outdoors all year round.

Do different horse breeds have different diets?

A horses diet is affected by the work it does and how much it is supposed to weigh. Breed has nothing to do with it. All horses need forage as the base of their diet, this would be hay or grass. A horse that is working in moderate level work or higher or that is a hard keeper would most likely need supplemental grain or pellets. Also a horse with certain health issues might require a specialized diet, but the horses breed truly does not affect what it should be fed.

Is it true that when horses are on a diet they can only be fed carrots?

Absolutely not. A horse would most likely die from a diet of just carrots. Horses need forage (like grass or hay) daily to keep things flowing in their digestive tracks. Most if not all horses that aren't wild need a grain in their diet also for energy and weight. If a horse needs to be on a diet you simply cut their grain back