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the horse raced past the barn fell

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Q: An example of a sentence that is grammatically correct but unacceptable?
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Is it grammatically correct to begin a sentence with for as in for example?

Yes. Strictly speaking For example at the beginning of a sentence is what is called an "absolute," grammatically unconnected to the rest of the sentence.

Which sentence is grammatically correct - 'I love you' or 'I loves you'?

Both loves you and love you are grammatically correct. For example, "He loves you," or "We love you."

Are you and him used in a sentence grammatically correct?

Yes, 'you and him' is grammatically correct as the object of the verb. For example 'I will divide the money equally between you and him.' However, as the subject of the verb, the correct form is 'you and he'. For example 'You and he are equally to blame.'

How can you use monthly in a sentence?

An example of monthly in a grammatically correct sentence is as follows: "I fill out numerous bank forms monthly".

Is wrongfully misspelled or grammatically correct?

Wrongfully is the correct spelling of the word.An example sentence is: "He was wrongfully accused of the crime".Another example is: "They were wrongfully persecuted".

Should you end a sentence with you and I?

Yes, it is grammatically correct to end a sentence with "you and I" if it is functioning as the object of the sentence. For example, "This gift is for you and I."

Is using 'I am' as the last word of a sentence proper grammar?

That depends on when you use "I am." It's kind of correct to use "I am" as the only words in a sentence if someone asks if you are doing something. It's also grammatically correct to say "I am" after the relative prounoun what. For example, both "You are turning into what I am," and "I am what I am," are grammatically correct.

Is this sentence grammatically correct - The winner is you?

It doesn't look grammatically correct, but not everything that is correct looks that way. When you break the sentence apart, there is nothing missing. It has a subject and a predicate. Although "You are the winner" may be more appealing to most people, I do not believe there is anything grammatically incorrect with your example, as ugly as it may sound. It is correct. You can be be a subject or an object pronoun. subject - You are the winner! object - The winner is you!

Is it grammatically correct to use the word 'please' in the middle of a sentence?

Yes. Example: Sir, would you please stop doing that.

Is it grammatically correct to say what your plans are?

As part of a sentence, "what your plans are" is correct. For example, "Please let me know what your plans are" is a perfectly good sentence. If, however, you are asking whether "what your plans are" is a correct sentence by itself, it is not. If it is intended as a question, it should be "What are your plans?"

Is what they're doing grammatically correct?

Yes, the phrase 'what they're doing' is grammatically correct. For example: What they're doing is wrong.

Is it grammatically correct to say He and I?

It depends upon the context. If you are using them as the subject of a sentence or clause, this is correct. If you are using them as the object of a sentence, clause, or preposition, you would use "us". Examples: He and I walked to the store. Sally walked to the store with us. He and I said, "Thank you." Sally said, "Thank you," to us.