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There are different types of nerve injuries to the foot, which may be caused by exercise. One type of nerve injury is called tarsal tunnel syndrome.

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Q: An exercise related nerve injury that most commonly occurs in the foot is called a an?
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Is not a common cause for exercise-related injury?

doing a variety of exercises in one setting

What are some common causes of exercise related injury?

sprains, bruises, cuts, strains, scrapes, and blisters

Which is not a common cause for exercise related injury?

Doing a variety of exercises in one sitting

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What is damage to bones muscles or other tissues by excessive exercise called?

The most common term would be "overuse injury"

What is the form called that you have to send when an individual suffers an injury that is work related?

The form is calld, C1.

Are there running exercises one can do with a back injury?

Yes, there are running exercise that you can do with a back injury. Jogging in place is one exercise that you can do. You can also lift your leg up and down as if you're running.

Does work related have a hyphen?

I believe, when used as an adjective, it should be hyphenated but otherwise not. E.g. It was a work-related injury. E.g. The injury was work related.

Will my insurance cover my injury from work?

Any job related injury is covered by worker's compensation, your health insurance shouldn't come into play with a work related injury.

How can I recover from a foot injury?

It depends on what kind of foot injury that you have. I have heard that when there is a sprain, it is better to walk on it and exercise for it to heal, but if the injury is a break, you need to stay off of your foot.

What is a work-related injury?

A work related accident is defined as an injury that happens at the workplace while doing the work one is assigned to do. If a person can prove their injuries happened at the workplace, they are able to collect workers compensation.

Why are deadlifts important in exercise?

The deadlift is an exercise which targets the entire body and is beneficial for building the posterior muscles such as the glutes, lower back and hamstrings. These muscles are normally weak muscles in a lot of people which makes them more susceptible to injury. See the related link for further information.