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That would be a good idea, if you haven't had one in the last five years. When you go, be sure to ask for the one that provides protection against whooping cough as well.

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Q: An oil pin went in your foot so do you need to get a tetanus shot and there was no blood?
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What do you do if a nail got in your foot?

have it removed and get a tetanus shot

Does gallbladder surgery include tetanus shot?

No, you do not need a tetanus shot for gall bladder surgery.

If you cut yourself on a rusty gate and there is only a drop of blood and you are 12 do you need a tetanus shot?

If you haven got the shot then i think probaly not but Go to a doctor just in case.

Why do horses need a tetanus shot after injury?

Horses need a booster shot for Tetanus because the bacteria could have gotten into the wound and cause and infection which would be fatal to the horse.

Are there any dangerous ingredients in a tetanus shot?

Yes. there is one dangerous in a tetanus shot and that is tetanus.

How soon after being attacked by a rooster should someone get a tetanus shot?

You do not need to get a tetanus shot if you were attacked by a rooster, only if you get a deep cut on something rusty

When do I need a tetanus shot?

As I understand, there is no last required tetanus shot. The vaccinations for tetanus are administered every ten years after the age of 6 years old. Before the age of six years old, a tetanus and diptheria vaccination is given when one is an infant, I believe. Exception is when one experiences in particular a deep would. If this occurs, a tetanus vaccination is given as what is called post-exposure prophylaxis. What that means is that the vaccination for tetanus is given due to the possibility that, due to the wound, one may have been exposed to the bacteria that causes the disease of tetanus. After the tetanus vaccination is given, it may take up to two weeks for the formulation of antibodies to prevent acquiring the disease of tetanus.

You step on a nail it wasnt rusty do i need a tenasis shot?

Be no the safe side and have a tetanus shot.

Do children need a tetana shot?

Do you mean tetanus? If so - yes.

Why is a tetanus shot so painful?

tetanus shots are painful because you are putting iron into your body and your blood has to regulate and accept it.I prefer the tdap shot because it actually has tetanus,diptheria, and pertussis vaccines all in one shot. It feels like a regular shot. You can't even tell that tetanus is in it!Got that shot today! Hope I helped.I received the t-dap and found it to be more painful than the regular tetanus. I still have a lump and soreness two and a half weeks out

Do a person need a tetanus shot if someone gets dog bite you He is up to date on his shots?

it wouldn't hurt to get a tetanus shot, but you definitely need to see a doctor. anytime you have a puncture wound from an animal bite, there is a VERY high chance of get a blood infection that can be extremely serious!!! if the animal is wild or abnormally vicious, you may need to get a rabies shot. if a human develops signs of rabies, it is too late!

What is a t shot?

Tetanus shot.