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the angle is 90 degrees jio jfijg jsihg ihdf fisdff ufhushg udsfhgu jugh ufhg fguisdh ufhg ufhujhsufhugush gushfg s gf ifusgh fhgsfuih fg sih g isufghiu fh if

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Q: Angle between geographic north and north compass needle points?
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What is the angle between the geographic North Pole and the direction in which a compass needle points is called magnetic?

Magnetic declination

Does a compass point to the geographic north pole?

No. The compass needle points toward the magnetic north pole.

Why does a compass does not show exact geographical poles?

A compass needle points to the magnetic poles, which are not the same as the geographic poles. There is nothing special about the magnetic field at the geographic poles.

What is a instrument with a needle that points north?

A compass.

What does a compass needle do?

It points to true north.

How does a compass needle respond when a compass is placed in a magnetic field?

If a magnetic compass needle is placed in a magnetic Field , its needle deflects and points in the north and south directions

How does a compass needle respond when a compass is placed with a magnetic field?

If a magnetic compass needle is placed in a magnetic Field , its needle deflects and points in the north and south directions

How does a compass needle respond when a compass is Place with in a magnetic field?

If a magnetic compass needle is placed in a magnetic Field , its needle deflects and points in the north and south directions

Does a compass point geographic north?

Actually, a compass points to the magnetic north pole, not the geographic north pole.

What does a compass needle point do?

It points to true north.

How is the angle of magnetic declination measured?

You need to determine the geographic north, for example by observing sunrise and sunset; by observing the stars; or by using a compass that reacts to Earth's rotation (a gyrocompass). Then you observe where the needle of a magnetic compass points. Finally, you measure the angular difference between the two.

Find out why the needle of a compass points to the north?

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