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Animals are equally precious and should equally share God's earth as humans instead of being caged like they are in jail. How would feel if you were locked in a cage for the rest of your life? How would you feel if you were always on exhibition? Animals should not be not be caged. They should be in the wilderness with their families. I therefore strongly believe that animals are better off in the wild.

Firstly, animals should live in their natural habitat and be allowed to roam freely because animals' natural instincts will vanish if they are caged in zoos. Also, some animals are forced to live in climates that they are not accustomed to and this is cruel. For example, the elephant is accustomed to live in tropical climates but is forced to live in zoos in cold countries like Canada.

Additionally, animals are physically and mentally healthier in the wild than in zoos. They are able to have more exercise as they can run around and hunt in larger land spaces in the wilderness. Zoos do not have such large spaces. Caged animals do not know what it is to naturally hunt their food or to explore their environment and to select a mate. This I am sure can be mentally depressing for animals. Also not being able to climb, hunt and run will make the animals obese. In the wild animals are not able to eat their natural foods instead of artificial foods given in some zoos. And these unnatural foods will make the animals sick.

Even though animals can be healthier in the wilderness you might be concerned that animals are being hunted and killed for pleasure or for selling animal parts such ivory from elephants. There is no need to worry. In some countries such as the United States of America, Africa and Canada there are laws against hunting certain types of animal, especially those that are endangered such as elephants, the white tiger and Rhinoceros.

Allowing animals to be free is better for them because they will be allowed to see the beauty of the world just like humans. They should be allowed to live natural healthy lives in the wild. Remember we can share this world with animals without harming and being cruel to them. I positively believe that animals should not be kept in zoos.

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13y ago

animals shouldn't stay in zoos because they keep animals in small environments they don't have room to run or if it's a bird they can't fly around in zoos they get every thing given to them so in the wild they would all die

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Q: Should animals be kept in zoos for and against?
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Why animals should be kept in zoos?

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